Alan Kashdan, Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, to Speak at TKG’s The Iran Nuclear Deal Under Trump: What Oil Companies Should be Aware of Live Webcast
New York, NY, April 08, 2017 --( The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Alan Kashdan, Counsel, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP will speak at The Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “The Iran Nuclear Deal Under Trump: What Oil Companies Should Be Aware Of.” This event is scheduled for May 16, 2017 from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (ET).
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About Alan Kashdan
Alan Kashdan focuses his practice on international trade regulation, including compliance with U.S. export controls and sanctions administered by the Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of State. He also has compliance experience with U.S. Customs laws and regulations; U.S. government rules and regulations on procurement from foreign sources; Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act issues; and issues arising from foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies, including military contractors. In addition, Mr. Kashdan has handled antidumping and countervailing duty actions before the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission. Mr. Kashdan has been a member of the NAFTA Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Dispute Resolution Panel. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton and received his law degree from Harvard Law School. Mr. Kashdan speaks both Russian and Mandarin.
About Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Hughes Hubbard & Reed is a New York City-based international law firm that offers clients results-focused legal services and a collaborative approach across a broad range of practices. Hughes Hubbard was founded in 1888 by the renowned jurist and statesman Charles Evans Hughes, and the firm takes pride in the fact that it has retained many of its clients for more than half a century. The firm is a leader in promoting diversity in law firms and is recognized for its pro bono achievements.
Event Synopsis:
President Donald Trump’s election has clouded the future of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1 nations, which curtailed Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons and in return eased certain economic sanctions imposed by the U.S., the EU and the UN Security Council. Trump vowed during his campaign to make it a priority of his presidency to dismantle the accord, calling it “one of the worst deals ever made.” Recent remarks by members of his administration suggest Trump is seeking renegotiation of key terms of the accord and exploring how to tighten enforcement, such as by insisting that the International Atomic Energy Agency demand access to Iran military sites.
In this live Webcast, a panel of thought leaders brought together by The Knowledge Group will analyze the main features of the JCPOA, its most controversial provisions and the likelihood of the accord being altered or abrogated as a result of changing American policy towards the region. The potential impact on the oil and gas industry, due to Iran’s position in the oil production market, will also be analyzed.
Key topics include:
- Overview of Iran Nuclear Deal
- Role of International Atomic Energy Agency
- Current State of Compliance
- Flash Points for U.S. Policy Shifts
- Continuing Sanctions Against Iranian Interests
- Effect of Iranian Withdrawal From Accord
About The Knowledge Group, LLC/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series
The Knowledge Congress was established with the mission to produce unbiased, objective, and educational live webinars that examine industry trends and regulatory changes from a variety of different perspectives. The goal is to deliver a unique multilevel analysis of an important issue affecting business in a highly focused format. To contact or register to an event, please visit:
For further details, please visit:
About Alan Kashdan
Alan Kashdan focuses his practice on international trade regulation, including compliance with U.S. export controls and sanctions administered by the Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of State. He also has compliance experience with U.S. Customs laws and regulations; U.S. government rules and regulations on procurement from foreign sources; Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act issues; and issues arising from foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies, including military contractors. In addition, Mr. Kashdan has handled antidumping and countervailing duty actions before the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission. Mr. Kashdan has been a member of the NAFTA Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Dispute Resolution Panel. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton and received his law degree from Harvard Law School. Mr. Kashdan speaks both Russian and Mandarin.
About Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Hughes Hubbard & Reed is a New York City-based international law firm that offers clients results-focused legal services and a collaborative approach across a broad range of practices. Hughes Hubbard was founded in 1888 by the renowned jurist and statesman Charles Evans Hughes, and the firm takes pride in the fact that it has retained many of its clients for more than half a century. The firm is a leader in promoting diversity in law firms and is recognized for its pro bono achievements.
Event Synopsis:
President Donald Trump’s election has clouded the future of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1 nations, which curtailed Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons and in return eased certain economic sanctions imposed by the U.S., the EU and the UN Security Council. Trump vowed during his campaign to make it a priority of his presidency to dismantle the accord, calling it “one of the worst deals ever made.” Recent remarks by members of his administration suggest Trump is seeking renegotiation of key terms of the accord and exploring how to tighten enforcement, such as by insisting that the International Atomic Energy Agency demand access to Iran military sites.
In this live Webcast, a panel of thought leaders brought together by The Knowledge Group will analyze the main features of the JCPOA, its most controversial provisions and the likelihood of the accord being altered or abrogated as a result of changing American policy towards the region. The potential impact on the oil and gas industry, due to Iran’s position in the oil production market, will also be analyzed.
Key topics include:
- Overview of Iran Nuclear Deal
- Role of International Atomic Energy Agency
- Current State of Compliance
- Flash Points for U.S. Policy Shifts
- Continuing Sanctions Against Iranian Interests
- Effect of Iranian Withdrawal From Accord
About The Knowledge Group, LLC/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series
The Knowledge Congress was established with the mission to produce unbiased, objective, and educational live webinars that examine industry trends and regulatory changes from a variety of different perspectives. The goal is to deliver a unique multilevel analysis of an important issue affecting business in a highly focused format. To contact or register to an event, please visit:
The Knowledge Group
Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
Therese Lumbao, Director
Account Management & Member Services
Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
Therese Lumbao, Director
Account Management & Member Services
