Bataan Survivor Marine Sargent Roger Baker Uniform Dedication
The uniform of Marine Sargent Bataan and Japanese POW Survivor will be given to VFW Post 8300 East Patchogue, NY on May 28, 2017 at 1500 hrs (3PM) Eastern Time at a dedication ceremony to be held at the VFW on Dunton Ave., East Patchogue, NY.
Patchogue, NY, May 22, 2017 --( All media, military, and citizens are invited to attend this ceremony. Sargent Roger Baker passed away in 1988. His son Roger Baker Jr. has had his uniform and medals for years trying to figure an appropriate place for them. Jim Vaughn of VFW Post 8300 offered to place them on display at his post. This being the 75th year anniversary of the Bataan Death March, it seemed to be a great time to do this. Attending will be Congressman Lee Zelden along with other local and regional officials, family, friends, active military, and esteemed veterans. Roger Baker enlisted in the Marines in September 1940 at the age of 17. Initially he was a member of the Marine Corps Band at the San Diego base. March 8, 1941 he was transferred to Shanghai. In late 1941 his Company was sent to Corregidor, where they fought fearlessly until they were captured by the Japanese on May 6, 1942. Sargent Baker was subjected to the march down the Bataan peninsula. Those who survived were sent to forced labor camps where starvation and torture were the rule of the day. Baker survived the three years as a POW till September 15, 1945 when he and the surviving POWs were liberated. Baker reenlisted and was stationed in Quantico VA Where he served. In the early 50's he met and married Mary Koop. They moved to Long Island (Mary's Childhood home) where he got a job at Brookhaven National Labratory as a machinest. He retired from Brookhaven Lab after 35 years as the senior cryogenic technical specialist in charge of building the bubble chambers, aka atom smashers, from the 50's to the 80's. Roger Baker passed away in 1988 at the age of 68, leaving his wife Mary & son Roger Jr. Please contact Roger Baker Jr. with any questions at
Roger Baker Jr.
