Innovative "Internet Marketing Report Card" Just Released – A Major Breakthrough for Website Marketing

A progressive new approach to analyzing the marketability of websites, has just released a new marketing analysis product for websites called the 'Internet Marketing Report Card' to the Online Marketing Community. This product was created to help online business owners conceptualize the potential pitfalls and unrecognized mistakes of their websites, thus providing the awareness and directions they need to modify their website(s) accordingly to increase conversion rates.

New York, NY, February 13, 2008 --( The majority of websites currently found on the internet are set for failure due to inept online marketing savvy. And the majority of online business owners don't even know it. has just released a revolutionary evaluation product, the "Internet Marketing Report Card", an avant-garde solution designed to provide online marketers with the absolute guidance they require to ensure the online success of their websites by improving conversion rates.

The fact is that 90% of online business fail within 2 years or less and the reality is that only 1 out of 10 websites succeed.


One of the biggest factors is the bulk of online business owners make the uniform and business fatal mistake of focusing only the aesthetics of a website while neglecting the usability of the website to its users. In other words, otherwise astute business owners get so caught up in how the site looks that they simply forget the most crucial goal of their website - and that is how to convert visitors into customers into revenue!

The vast majority doesn't even begin to consider how compelling their online marketing strategy must be to succeed and in most cases people are overlooking such commonplace factors that could be the demise of their websites when they are not able to improve conversion rates.

The reality is that the 1 out of 10 websites that do succeed understands the need to take the website beyond the level of standard appearances and they strive to apply effective online marketing strategies to their websites for maximum traffic conversions to improve website conversion.

The problem is being able to scrutinize through the overwhelming overabundance of information and advice that is already being offered in the internet marketing community. Not only can this become too time consuming, but if online business owners don't know how to improve conversions and if they don't know what they doing, the possibly of making further mistakes with their website can become tenfold.'s "Internet Marketing Report Card" is an effective evaluation tool that examines online marketing proficiencies for any website and is focused on improving conversion rates. The tool is designed to critically assess website marketing capabilities on any given website like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), sales content, improving website conversion factors and overall website design and layout.

The "Internet Marketing Report Card" essentially offers invaluable insight, guidance and recommendations quickly and efficiently so that online business owners know exactly what to implement on their websites in order to see positive results to their online businesses effortlessly.

The assessment consists of 7 different aspects of online marketing from chief experts in the online marketing industry and takes minimal amounts of time and effort to use. The information and direction provided from the report card not only save the user valuable time and money, but also puts them on the right path to succeeding.

Knowing what to do is half the battle won.

Additional Info:
For more information about the Internet Marketing Report Card please visit: is a cutting edge marketing company that gives you the right guidance and proper advice for your online business with top elite experts in the Internet Marketing Industry.

George Gianni
(718) 732-2331
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