Mostly Medicaid Launches Gold Standard Online Training for the Medicaid Industry
Birmingham, AL, June 29, 2017 --( After leading the Medicaid Industry training and consulting verticals for 10 years, Mostly Medicaid has launched an online course catalog to provide professionals working in the Medicaid industry with an entirely new type of training platform. offers online Medicaid training that works on any device. Unlike other training options for Medicaid professionals, learners don’t have to install complicated software or have special add-ons to their browsers. As long as they have a modern browser and an internet connection, they can log on and learn.
Medicaid Training That Works
“We wanted to make the learner experience as seamless as possible, and simplifying the technology was key to that. We spent 2 years just choosing and tweaking the training software,” said Clay Farris, Practice Lead for Client Solutions at Mostly Medicaid. “But the tech was just the first step. As with all things in this space, we know first hand there is a lack of simple, meaningful and unbiased information to help Medicaid professionals do their jobs. So we tackled the training development with that in mind,” Farris said during an interview.
Research into human thought processes and learning behavior shows that humans prefer to organize information in sets of 3, regardless of the information type. Along these lines, Mostly Medicaid designs all our training using 3 key principles:
1- Simplify the structure of information as much as possible
2- Use multiple modes for different learner styles
3- Focus on engaging the learner with a refreshing approach to training and learning.
According to experts, there are also three main learning styles: visual, auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (touch). The Mostly Medicaid training model incorporates something for learners that prefer each style. There is lesson text and video with animations for visual learners, narrations for auditory learners and multiple engagement point that require interaction with the device (such as clicking or swiping) for kinesthetic learners. Serving the needs of each learner type is critical, according to Farris. “We know that the best chance we have of improving the Medicaid system is better training. I think its our only hope. Which is why we are trying to teach to all 3 learner styles,” Farris said.
Learners also can receive CEU credits for the online courses, and most certification programs will let them count towards ongoing training requirements. (There is a helpful list of links on the site).
Initial courses launched, more to come
The site launched with the Medicaid Foundations Course, which according to the site is recommended for anyone who already works or is planning to work, directly or indirectly, in the Medicaid industry. Learner outcomes for this course include:
-Know how Medicaid is financed
-Know how Medicaid regulations govern programs
-Know the populations eligible for Medicaid
-Know services covered under Medicaid benefits
-Know serving populations with chronic conditions
-Know challenges related to Medicaid fraud
-Know related solutions to Medicaid fraud
-Know the impact of the Affordable Care Act
-Know the key Medicaid reform efforts
According to Farris, there is a new course planned for each quarter for the rest of 2017, and then 2-3 courses per quarter in 2018. “We expect the demand to spike once the awareness is out there. Professionals in the space really don’t have a lot of great options – especially online ones- for training. And we believe our product is a great quality at an incredible value. Most in-person training sessions will cost $1,000 or more per learner and that does not even count travel costs. And the online stuff that’s out there for Medicaid is not much less than that.”
In-person courses and customized courses
When asked about the in-person and custom courses that built the Mostly Medicaid brand, Farris assured us they will continue. “We still have a high demand for our in-person courses- all of which are customized. And we are going to continue to meet that need. The online platform just helps us reach more people.” He added that they are already rolling out a custom online course as well, developed specifically for the Human Service Officers Finance Organization (HSFO). “We are actually able to do a good bit of custom work on the online side, too. The sky is the limit at this point in terms of meeting training needs for individuals and organizations in the Medicaid space.”
Feedback so far
The market response has been overwhelmingly positive. Learners new to the space typically complete the course feeling much more confident about their ability to succeed in the extremely complex Medicaid industry. Most learners that have been in the space a while finish the course and comment that they wish they had something like this when they first began their Medicaid industry career.
About Mostly Medicaid
We began with one simple concept in mind - think of Medicaid as a massive industry. Besides the healthcare services provided to Medicaid enrollees, there are hundreds of thousands of people that process claims, build software, consult with hospitals - just to name a few segments.
Those people need services and products to help them do their jobs, increase their revenues and improve their skills.
And that's where Mostly Medicaid comes in. offers online Medicaid training that works on any device. Unlike other training options for Medicaid professionals, learners don’t have to install complicated software or have special add-ons to their browsers. As long as they have a modern browser and an internet connection, they can log on and learn.
Medicaid Training That Works
“We wanted to make the learner experience as seamless as possible, and simplifying the technology was key to that. We spent 2 years just choosing and tweaking the training software,” said Clay Farris, Practice Lead for Client Solutions at Mostly Medicaid. “But the tech was just the first step. As with all things in this space, we know first hand there is a lack of simple, meaningful and unbiased information to help Medicaid professionals do their jobs. So we tackled the training development with that in mind,” Farris said during an interview.
Research into human thought processes and learning behavior shows that humans prefer to organize information in sets of 3, regardless of the information type. Along these lines, Mostly Medicaid designs all our training using 3 key principles:
1- Simplify the structure of information as much as possible
2- Use multiple modes for different learner styles
3- Focus on engaging the learner with a refreshing approach to training and learning.
According to experts, there are also three main learning styles: visual, auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (touch). The Mostly Medicaid training model incorporates something for learners that prefer each style. There is lesson text and video with animations for visual learners, narrations for auditory learners and multiple engagement point that require interaction with the device (such as clicking or swiping) for kinesthetic learners. Serving the needs of each learner type is critical, according to Farris. “We know that the best chance we have of improving the Medicaid system is better training. I think its our only hope. Which is why we are trying to teach to all 3 learner styles,” Farris said.
Learners also can receive CEU credits for the online courses, and most certification programs will let them count towards ongoing training requirements. (There is a helpful list of links on the site).
Initial courses launched, more to come
The site launched with the Medicaid Foundations Course, which according to the site is recommended for anyone who already works or is planning to work, directly or indirectly, in the Medicaid industry. Learner outcomes for this course include:
-Know how Medicaid is financed
-Know how Medicaid regulations govern programs
-Know the populations eligible for Medicaid
-Know services covered under Medicaid benefits
-Know serving populations with chronic conditions
-Know challenges related to Medicaid fraud
-Know related solutions to Medicaid fraud
-Know the impact of the Affordable Care Act
-Know the key Medicaid reform efforts
According to Farris, there is a new course planned for each quarter for the rest of 2017, and then 2-3 courses per quarter in 2018. “We expect the demand to spike once the awareness is out there. Professionals in the space really don’t have a lot of great options – especially online ones- for training. And we believe our product is a great quality at an incredible value. Most in-person training sessions will cost $1,000 or more per learner and that does not even count travel costs. And the online stuff that’s out there for Medicaid is not much less than that.”
In-person courses and customized courses
When asked about the in-person and custom courses that built the Mostly Medicaid brand, Farris assured us they will continue. “We still have a high demand for our in-person courses- all of which are customized. And we are going to continue to meet that need. The online platform just helps us reach more people.” He added that they are already rolling out a custom online course as well, developed specifically for the Human Service Officers Finance Organization (HSFO). “We are actually able to do a good bit of custom work on the online side, too. The sky is the limit at this point in terms of meeting training needs for individuals and organizations in the Medicaid space.”
Feedback so far
The market response has been overwhelmingly positive. Learners new to the space typically complete the course feeling much more confident about their ability to succeed in the extremely complex Medicaid industry. Most learners that have been in the space a while finish the course and comment that they wish they had something like this when they first began their Medicaid industry career.
About Mostly Medicaid
We began with one simple concept in mind - think of Medicaid as a massive industry. Besides the healthcare services provided to Medicaid enrollees, there are hundreds of thousands of people that process claims, build software, consult with hospitals - just to name a few segments.
Those people need services and products to help them do their jobs, increase their revenues and improve their skills.
And that's where Mostly Medicaid comes in.
Mostly Medicaid
Clay Farris
Clay Farris
