Ranfac Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspiration System Outperforms EMCYTE® BMC System in Comparative Analysis
In a 3 patient study, bone marrow collected by the Marrow Cellution™ aspiration system had significantly more CD 34+ and CFU-f per mL as compared to the EMCYTE® BMC system without requiring additional manipulation via centrifugation.
Steubenville, OH, July 12, 2017 --(PR.com)-- According to the white paper titled, “Comparative Analysis of Marrow Cellutions and EMCYTE® Bone Marrow Concentrate Systsem (June 2017),” three sets of bone marrow aspirate samples were collected using the EMCYTE® Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) system and the Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA) System and prepared via each manufacturers' instructions. The procedures were performed by Michael Scarpone, D.O., Medical Director of Trinity Sports Medicine, Steubinville, OH. Samples were analyzed for TNC count, CD 34+ count and CFU-f by Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. at Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH.
The Marrow Cellution™ aspiration system had significantly more CD 34+ and CFU-f per mL as compared to the EMCYTE® BMC system with less contaminating peripheral blood as indicated by the higher ratio of CFU-f to nucleated cells. Additionally, since the Marrow Cellution™ system does not require centrifugation, it required less preparation time, lower volume of aspirate, and did not require additional manipulative steps outside the sterile field compared to the EMCYTE® BMC System.
The White Paper with complete details of the analysis may be found by clicking here.
The patent pending Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspirate System (manufactured by Ranfac Corp., Avon, MA) claims to be able to harvest high concentrations of key stem and progenitor cells from bone marrow aspirate without the need for further processing via centrifugation by using its proprietary technology to limit peripheral blood dilution during the aspiration process. More information may be found at www.marrowcellution.com.
The Marrow Cellution™ aspiration system had significantly more CD 34+ and CFU-f per mL as compared to the EMCYTE® BMC system with less contaminating peripheral blood as indicated by the higher ratio of CFU-f to nucleated cells. Additionally, since the Marrow Cellution™ system does not require centrifugation, it required less preparation time, lower volume of aspirate, and did not require additional manipulative steps outside the sterile field compared to the EMCYTE® BMC System.
The White Paper with complete details of the analysis may be found by clicking here.
The patent pending Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspirate System (manufactured by Ranfac Corp., Avon, MA) claims to be able to harvest high concentrations of key stem and progenitor cells from bone marrow aspirate without the need for further processing via centrifugation by using its proprietary technology to limit peripheral blood dilution during the aspiration process. More information may be found at www.marrowcellution.com.
Ranfac Corp.
Harlan Adler
508 588 4400 ext. 130
Harlan Adler
508 588 4400 ext. 130


Comparative Analysis of Marrow Cellutions and EMCYTE BMC System
Study designed to compare the Marrow Cellution system to the Emcyte BMC System.