Eternal Maternal Delivers with Unique Bellyfacial™ for Expectant Mothers

Eternal Maternal introduces their new bellyfacial™, a unique, spa quality skincare solution for expectant mothers-to-be. Used on the belly, the bellyfacial addresses the concerns pregnant women have regarding stretch marks and dry, itchy skin. 100% natural and safe for use at any stage of pregnancy, the bellyfacial by Eternal Maternal is quickly becoming a favorite among pregnant women everywhere.

Vancouver, WA, February 17, 2008 --( When is a facial not a facial? When it’s a bellyfacial™ by Eternal Maternal. Known for their superior pregnancy bellycast kit, the bellycaster™, Eternal Maternal has delivered again with their bellyfacial for expectant moms.

What is a bellyfacial? According to Karen DeSemple, owner of Eternal Maternal, “It’s the same concept as a facial for your face, but we developed our bellyfacial for use on a woman’s pregnant belly.” While a traditional facial is designed to promote healthy skin, DeSemple explains that the bellyfacial is designed to do the same for blossoming bellies. “Women who are pregnant often experience dry, itchy skin on their bellies due to normal hormonal changes and, of course, the skin stretching as their bellies grow. There is also the major concern during pregnancy of stretch marks. We wanted to provide mothers-to-be with a unique, spa quality skincare option for dealing with both of these issues.”

100 percent natural and safe for use at any stage of pregnancy, the bellyfacial is a two part system comprised of a facialpowder™ and a facialoil™. The facialpowder is a combination of coconut milk powder, honey powder and ground oats, with each ingredient being chosen for a specific beneficial quality, including exfoliation, hydration and relief from itchiness.

And, when it comes to the concerns of stretch marks? “Preventing stretch marks is almost every pregnant woman’s number one skincare concern,” says DeSemple. “The hard truth, though, is that there’s no product on the market that can give a 100 percent guarantee that it will prevent them. They either happen or they don’t, but there are certainly steps a woman can take to reduce the chances of them occurring. That’s where our facialoil comes into play.” A proprietary blend of five natural oils, it provides essential moisture to mom’s skin without leaving any greasy residue. “Maintaining elasticity in the skin is essential to minimizing the possibility of stretch marks. We made the conscious choice to include these oils in the bellyfacial in order to create a product that gives women one more option in the quest for the perfect pregnant belly.”

While facials for the belly can be found at select spas across the country for upwards of $50 for one visit, Eternal Maternal's bellyfacial™ is the only product of its kind available to the retail public and sells for just $22.99. Even better is that it includes enough facialpowder and facialoil for three applications as well as an application brush and easy to follow directions.

Eternal Maternal
Karen DeSemple