Recovery Coaches Impact Transition from Treatment to the Next Level of Continuing Care

Motivate 4 Success owner, Chez Wise, participated in a call with other concerned treatment facilities and groups. The topic of this particular call was transitioning the client from one level of care to another.

Los Angeles, CA, February 22, 2008 --( Motivate 4 Success participated in The ACTION (Adopting Changes to Improve Outcomes Now) Campaign Phone Conference. The campaign seeks to increase access and keep clients engaged in treatment. This was an interesting and exciting call specifically focused on helping individuals move to the next level of care.

The gap in client treatment was clearly evidenced during this call. An individual leaving initial care has less than 25% chance of continuing to the next level on their own. This statistic comes from the Fayette Company in Illinois. ( At Motivate 4 Success they see even lower stats for clients (less than 5%) going home after an initial 28 to 60 days of treatment.

In response to this, Fayette Company is starting the next level of care 2 to 3 days prior to discharge. Introducing the client to the next level of treatment prior to leaving the security of care they are in. This allows for a smooth transition between in-patient and out-patient. 67% of clients continue for the next 18 months. Most impressively, they are finding that utilizing recovery coaches increases this statistic to 94%. The Recovery Coach is supporting the client to develop a program of success that works for them. This is very different from a counselor giving the client a discharge plan to implement. The client is no longer working out the logistics of implementation alone, but with a trusted resource in the Recovery Coach.

Mike Boyle (CEO of Fayette Companies) discussed the concept of graduation in Treatment facilities. Fayette Companies unique method of celebrating the transition from one stage of recovery to the next echo the belief held by Motivate 4 Success. Most people will agree that the concept of graduation is setting people up for failure. We internalize graduating from any program as your learning is complete, no go and do. In the case of treatment, your learning has only begun, and it is never complete.

With their women’s facilities, Fayette Company is celebrating their participation in the next level of care. By providing documentation, the client is in receipt of an amethyst stone, the emphasis is on the clients taking the next step by choice. This tangible piece of evidence reinforces the success of the client in taking responsibility for their own care. Often times, we all need a little acknowledgement from an outside source. What a fabulous idea.

Celebrate Recovery is an integral part of the Motivate 4 Success program. Providing tangible means of celebration in the form of cards, para grams, and flowers, the client is reminded that they are doing a great job and achieving their own success.

To learn more about Recovery Coaching, go to
To learn more about A.C.T.I.O.N. go to

Motivate 4 Success
Coach Chez Wise