FEMCO Holdings, LLC Designated as Authorized Repair Facility for KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens
FEMCO Holdings, LLC, a leading national machine repair and manufacturing company, is pleased to announce an agreement has been reached with KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens, whereby FEMCO’s facility located in Punxsutawney, PA shall serve as an Authorized Repair Facility (ARF) in the region East of the Mississippi and thus be enabled to provide factory authorized maintenance, repair, and warranty service on KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens equipment.

Kolberg-Pioneer, Inc. (KPI), Johnson Crushers International, Inc. (JCI) and Astec Mobile Screens, Inc. design, manufacture and sell a complete line of crushing and screening, conveying, washing and classifying and track-mounted equipment and parts. KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens sell and support these products through authorized sales representatives and authorized distributors (“dealers”).
Commenting on the agreement, FEMCO VP of Operations, FEMCO - PA, Joel Kyser said, “This agreement will allow FEMCO to align with KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens’ Eastern U.S. dealer network to provide maintenance, repair, and warranty services on KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens equipment and develop relationships and opportunities with their dealers.”
Kevin Gokie, Group Product Support Manager of KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens added, “On occasion, the maintenance and repair services required for KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens products are of a scope, size or nature that requires larger facilities, machining capabilities, or other expertise that cannot be obtained in the field or otherwise provided by a dealer. We are confident that FEMCO can provide a high-level of service and quality for our dealers in the region.”
FEMCO is a national company providing technical expertise and solutions to the aggregate & mining, construction, industrial manufacturing, oil & gas, and recycling industries. FEMCO delivers repair, manufacturing, and field services, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week emergency response. Visit us at: www.femcomachine.com
For media:
Doug Marshall of FEMCO at (480) 646-6534 or e-mail at dmarshall@femcomachine.com.
Doug Marshall

FEMCO Holdings, LLC Designated as Authorized Repair Facility for KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens.
FEMCO HOLDINGS, LLC, a leading national machine repair & manufacturing company, is pleased to announce an agreement was reached with KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens, whereby FEMCO’s facility located in Punxsutawney, PA shall serve as an Authorized Repair Facility in the region East of Mississippi.