Asheville NC Climate Company Sponsors Climate Education for Professionals
The Business World Prepares for a Future Adapting to Climate Change
Asheville, NC, November 01, 2017 --( CASE Consultants International presents two important workshops in Asheville, NC in November that bring climate experts together with architect and health professionals to explore the impacts to their customers and constituents that changing weather patterns present. Both are held at The Collider facility in Asheville.
Where Building Science Meets Climate Science
After a summer that saw unprecedent destruction due the extreme weather events in Texas, Florida, California and Puerto Rico, the American Institute of Architects, and the Asheville Living Building Challenge Collaborative are sponsoring a full day seminar to present the latest trends and techniques in architecture and construction for Climate Change sustainability. The event begins Thursday, November 2 with a public address by Victor W. Olgyay. AIA, an architect and principal with the Rocky Mountain Institute, who also delivers the keynote on Friday.
The event continues on Friday also features Tim Owen, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, discussing climate change impacts that are important to building and architect design industries.
Climate and Respiratory Health – Focus Asthma
The Lancet Countdown reports in October that climate change threatens to undermine the past fifty years of advancements in public health. Long-lasting and widespread wildfires, excessive heat, and extended pollen blooms increase the threat of asthma triggers as the climate warms, according to the National Climate Assessment. On Thursday November 9 experts in the science and technologies of climate and respiratory health, including Dr..Kenneth Kunkle with NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, Dr Susan Anenberg, of George Washington University, and Eric Klos CEO HEALTHeWeather Personalized, will present the latest findings. The workshop is sponsored by Clean Air Carolina, GreenBuilt Alliance, CICS, NC and The Collider.
CASE workshops provide expert and practical climate science data and information for professionals across a broad market spectrum. For more information on these and other workshops in the series see
Where Building Science Meets Climate Science
After a summer that saw unprecedent destruction due the extreme weather events in Texas, Florida, California and Puerto Rico, the American Institute of Architects, and the Asheville Living Building Challenge Collaborative are sponsoring a full day seminar to present the latest trends and techniques in architecture and construction for Climate Change sustainability. The event begins Thursday, November 2 with a public address by Victor W. Olgyay. AIA, an architect and principal with the Rocky Mountain Institute, who also delivers the keynote on Friday.
The event continues on Friday also features Tim Owen, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, discussing climate change impacts that are important to building and architect design industries.
Climate and Respiratory Health – Focus Asthma
The Lancet Countdown reports in October that climate change threatens to undermine the past fifty years of advancements in public health. Long-lasting and widespread wildfires, excessive heat, and extended pollen blooms increase the threat of asthma triggers as the climate warms, according to the National Climate Assessment. On Thursday November 9 experts in the science and technologies of climate and respiratory health, including Dr..Kenneth Kunkle with NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, Dr Susan Anenberg, of George Washington University, and Eric Klos CEO HEALTHeWeather Personalized, will present the latest findings. The workshop is sponsored by Clean Air Carolina, GreenBuilt Alliance, CICS, NC and The Collider.
CASE workshops provide expert and practical climate science data and information for professionals across a broad market spectrum. For more information on these and other workshops in the series see
MMC Productions Inc
Peter Doyle
Peter Doyle
