Veterans Day is Heartfelt to the Patriot Project Veterans Organization in Wheaton, IL

Patriot Project is a National Veterans Organization, not for profit (501c3) aimed at reducing the Nation's Veteran suicide rate, based in Wheaton, IL. Patriot Project’s mission is to reduce the number of Veteran suicides from Twenty Two a day to Zero through increased awareness, intervention and Veteran participation programs.

Wheaton, IL, November 09, 2017 --( Veteran suicide isn’t just a national issue, it's one the Wheaton, IL Patriot Project focuses on with programs and initiatives to make suicide prevention everyone’s business

The Patriot Project is a National nonprofit 501(c)(3) Veterans Organization aimed at reducing number of Veteran Suicides with offices in Wheaton, Illinois; California and Texas.

Founded by Kenny DeAndrea retired US Marine Corps. and Suicide survivor himself, shared that In 2013, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010, which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day, or one every 65 minutes. Veterans accounted for 18% of all deaths from suicide among U.S. adults, while Veterans constituted 8.5% of the US population.

“People always say, 'if only I could have done something,'” he said. People don’t like to talk about suicide, but that’s exactly what they need to do, Founder Kenny DeAndrea said.

Patriot Project’s mission is to reduce the number of Veteran suicides from Twenty Two a day to Zero through increased awareness, intervention and Veteran participation programs.

Operation Home Safe works through many agencies across the country and is able to take our Veterans off the Streets and place them into safe housing immediately.

Operation Health and Wellness coming in December 2017.

Vet Pets recognizes the benefit of companion pets and has embarked on a mission to make sure that every Veteran that wants a dog, receives a dog.

Veteran Force Employment Services has a network of employment agencies and Vocational Rehabilitation Organizations that are instrumental in securing employment for Veterans. The Patriot Project hosts Job Fairs periodically where local businesses are invited to meet with Veterans that are entering or reentering the job market.Through Veteran Force, Veterans make up 80 percent of the Patriot Project workforce.

Veteran Force, Vet Pets, Home Safe and Operation Health and Wellness are programs operated by the Patriot Project.

Kenny DeAndrea then said again, "Tomorrow when I wake up 22 more Veterans will be dead, and we as Americans can’t allow this to continue and as for me, I was trained as a United States Marine to never leave anyone behind.”

To apply for assistance, send us an email at and attach a copy of your DD214. If you are in need of food or shelter, call us ASAP at 888-842-1088.

Help our Mission Donate Today!

Patriot Project
Jean Conner
VP of Operations