JARM Amusements Aim to Become the U.K.’s Greenest Funfair Operators

Following the success of their recent Fairtrade initiative, JARM Amusements have published details of their plans to become the U.K.'s greenest funfair operators

Upton, United Kingdom, February 24, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Following on from their successful switch to Fairtrade products on their catering units, JARM Amusements have just launched their Environmental Policy Statement, with the aim of becoming the most environmentally friendly funfair operators in the U.K.

The initial phase of this policy due to be implemented by mid March will see them replacing all of the consumables such as cups and bags on their candy floss and coffee carts, with biodegradable alternatives. Along with the provision of special mobile recycling stations that will make it easy to collect and separate recyclables such as aluminium cans, plastic and food waste, the company hope to increase the number of events they undertake in partnership with local authorities and other groups who are committed to ensuring sustainability in the events industry.

Company spokesman, Arthur Newsome, explained that ultimately the company hoped to recycle all of their waste, as well as becoming carbon neutral, but that would be something that was going to take time and investment. In the meantime the company would take all of the easier steps that were possible now. He went on to say that, “Little things, like arranging for local gardeners to compost all of our used coffee grinds and teabags, makes a small but still worthwhile reduction in the waste we send to landfill, and the products we do transport to the local tip will be in biodegradable bags, another easy change that anyone can make”, he went on the say that they have arrangements in place with a number of local recycling companies to take the waste generated at their events. More in depth details of their recycling strategy can be found at www.funfairgames.net/html/fairgrounds_and_the_environmen.html

Jason AR Moody Amusements
Jason Moody
07973 429663