PEphoto Upgrades You

Woodside, NY, February 29, 2008 --( Everyone is digital happy nowadays. The beloved PEphoto has changed its former third party download software to an enhanced online-based application. The transition comes as a result of months of comments and suggestions from customers. Although the previous solution was one capable of delivering the services PEphoto was offering, the majority of users prefer a less invasive option and therefore, PEphoto is upgrading its members to a new online platform.

The choice between third party software or online based application was a relatively easy one. Access to today’s online world is as easy as ever. The downloading in software that used to be a mandatory part of the process is no longer a must. People browse in anticipation for the next cool page and viewing online is a seamless journey especially online with their very own photo gallery to share, publish, or print; A personal slideshow that is available for each member’s viewing pleasure.

In addition to the upgrade in software, PEphoto has enhanced its technology. The company is printing more, printing faster, and printing at a striking quality that can only compete with the human eye. For the sake of confidentiality PEphoto does not want to disclose the vendors of their machinery but rest assure, they are well equipped.

New passions

PEphoto literally has upgraded everything from software to machinery and now products. Photo albums are the ‘big’ trend now and PEphoto wants to help people tell stories. Prints as stand alones are just stand alones. A storybook of prints breathes life and provides a beginning, middle, and end to memories. Mounted enlargements are beautiful stills that can hang on any household wall. Photo books are the visual soundtrack to every members happiest moments.

About PEphoto

The founders of PEphoto carry an enthusiasm for photography but feel that their passion should not cost them. With the new additions to the PEphoto family of products, PEphoto is on the forefront of offering customers more opportunity to expand their creativity. As a leader that has gained a loyal following of digital photographers and hobbyists around the world, PEphoto will continue to provide the same service and quality that our customers have come to know and trust.

Tim Ho
Lisa- CRM