Out of Chafing Fuel? Just Use Antifreeze

In the foodservice industry, we all have used methanol chafing fuel to heat or cook food. Methanol chafing fuel is a can of toxic gelled petroleum based ethanol, denatured with methanol, a poisonous liquid also used as antifreeze in cars. Some people love it, some people hate it, but for over 100 years we all have been forced to use it since there has been no available alternative, until recently.

New York, NY, March 06, 2008 --(PR.com)-- If methanol enters the body by inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin, the effects can be fatal. The methanol will depress your central nervous system, then your liver breaks down the methanol and turns it into formaldehyde which attacks the optic nerve, potentially resulting in blindness and even death.

If you don’t want poison around or even near your food, and can’t eliminate chafing fuel from your operation, Ecoflame is the answer. Ecoflame is gelled denatured sugar cane ethanol. However, it is not toxic, it only tastes bad. Not a single drop of methanol or any poison is added, therefore even if consumed, inhaled or absorbed, it is only horrible tasting alcohol. Made from sustainable sugar cane not oil, Ecoflame burns hotter and longer than both petroleum and corn based ethanol.

Ecoflame is distributed by Ancient Life Modern Times LLC (ALMT), a sustainable NYC based company dedicated to providing sustainable products at an affordable price. Stephen Spaeth, founder of ALMT, is available for interview and questions.

Ancient Life Modern Times
Stephen Spaeth