Man Sells the "World" on eBay

A new website selling unique advertising space will see the world map transformed into a giant online billboard.

Melbourne, Australia, March 03, 2008 --( A young Australian businessman has developed a unique advertising site that allows individuals or businesses to purchase nations of the world, creating a giant online advertising billboard.

Matthew Owen, a 24 year old who considers himself a young entrepreneur, quit full time work last year to focus on establishing a portfolio of online websites. He says the idea came to him while listening to David Bowie's classic 'the Man Who Sold the World'.

Speaking about the site Owen claims, "It allows businesses to think outside the box of standard banner ads and try something a little unique. Plus it enhances the competitive nature of the commercial world with competition sure to be strong for the larger, more popular nations".

The site is a simple idea using pixel images but is setting the benchmark for creative online advertising. Nations are currently being auctioned off on eBay, the winner receiving exclusive rights to advertise within their boarders for a 2-year period.

With a release date set for July 1st 2008, offers can be made on nations directly through the site if they have not yet been sold on

Matthew Owen