New Coval Vacuum Technology Authorized Distributor- Stateside Industrial Solutions

Coval is pleased to announce they have named Stateside Industrial Solutions as a an Authorizes distributor for Florida, Puerto Rico and Caribbean. Coval is a leading manufacturer of high performance advanced vacuum automation components and systems for industrial applications.

Tampa, FL, May 08, 2018 --( Stateside Industrial Solutions (S.I.S.) and Coval are both committed to offer excellent customer service coupled with extensive technical knowledge on vacuum handling solutions for the manufacturing industry; from packaging, pharmaceutical, plastics to graphics and automotive. Its expected that this will enhanced Stateside Industrial Solutions' sales team on all the territories they serve; Florida from South Miami,Miramar to Orlando, Tampa and Puerto Rico and Caribbean. Better local support and shorter delivery times.

Customers can contact Stateside Industrial Solutions for any questions about Coval Vacuum Technology products.
Stateside Industrial Solutions
Dennis R. Hernandez