Men's Clothing - Custom Made, Made Right

Seattle has found its personal clothier in Professional Haberdasher, Jeff Collins. Jeff and his clients are celebrating his 10th year as a Haberdasher. He has been serving the Seattle area and beyond for a decade now and his clients couldn't be happier with his work. Jeff provides them with custom and ready-made suits, sport coats, slacks and shirts, as well as shoes, ties and other accessories. MyHaberdasher is quickly becoming the place to get men's clothing on the West Coast.

Seattle, WA, March 08, 2008 --( A Haberdasher is defined by Webster's dictionary as, "a dealer of men's clothing and accessories." Jeff Collins has been a professional haberdasher since 1998.

A question frequently asked of Collins is how he became a haberdasher. His common response: I love clothing.

Jeff’s career began when he was recruited into the retail clothing industry. “It was great experience but after three years I was tired of the focus on sales. My only goal was to serve my clients, so I left and opened up accounts directly with the manufacturers.” Since leaving Collins has developed relationships with 30 preferred vendors that provide his clients with the best value in the industry.

Collins provides a 30 to 45-minute consultation in his client’s home or office effectively brings the store to them. He eliminates the need for business leaders to spend their free time in malls or specialty men’s stores hunting for attire. Collins' business model is a throw back to decades ago when it was common practice for the affluent businessman to have his tailor come to his corner office to measure him for his new suits and shirts.

Many think that this kind of first-class service is reserved for the wealthy. “Not the case”, says Collins. “My prices are not much different than in the stores. In fact, they are often about the same or better. I have no storefront or employees and my accounts are set up directly with dozens of manufacturers, so I have very little inventory. Since my costs are lower my prices can be too, especially when it comes to nicer clothing.”

Collins goes on to explain that it’s not just for the boss anymore. The way he describes himself is, “I’m like a fabric broker. With me you can shop at whatever level of luxury you’d like because I can get fabrics from all over the world. So if someone is comfortable spending $600 on a suit, they can. If another gentleman wants an exclusive, luxury fabric that might cost ten times that amount, My Haberdasher can provide that as well.” Collins continues, “My concentration is on high-quality clothing regardless of my client’s price level. I help them make the right decisions about their wardrobe.”

Collins explains that clothing in most wardrobes is unfortunately split into three categories:

-Clothes that fit well, feel good, and wear well.
-Clothing that, with some adjustment or additional items to coordinate with, fit into the first category.
-Clothes that need to go.

“For some men it’s worse,” Collins says. “The 80/20 rule applies to their clothing. They wear 20 percent of their clothes 80 percent of the time. The rest of their clothing rarely sees daylight.” Collins’ goal is to get everything into that first category of fitting well. Collins says, “When we are working with clothes made specifically for the individual, every choice fits well so it’s more a matter of choosing what you like in fabric and what you are comfortable with, style-wise.”

While Collins’ clients are concerned with getting great-fitting clothing, many of them are also hiring him to educate them on the who, what, why, where, when and how of fashion. “Some of my clients want me to make suggestions about more stylish, up-to-date clothing” says Collins, “for many of them, it’s simply a matter of incorporating some color, pattern, or combination they haven’t worn before. Subtle changes like these draw in people’s compliments because they notice you’re not wearing what you wear every Tuesday.”

Many people rely on Collins to help crack the code of today’s business-casual style. Collins used this reference: “Look at a photo of any US city from 100 years ago and you will see every man dressing about the same. The fact is it is not that easy anymore with business-casual on the scene. It’s not to say you don’t still need a few great suits in your wardrobe, but now you need a much broader range of styles in your closet to fit whatever situation you find yourself in.”

When potential clients ask the difference between My Haberdasher and going to a local men’s boutique, Collins replies, “The boutique isn’t here in your office right now. That’s usually good enough for most men. I also let them know that I do not want to be like another store. I am able to understand their need based upon their goals, wants and fit issues. I give them someone they can count on for years to come."

For information on Jeff Collins as a Professional Haberdasher please visit,

Jeff Collins