Quickregister.net Free Search Engine Submission and Optimization Service Now Accepting Permanent Free Ads on their PR6 Ranked Site

Quickregister.net submits websites to 148 major search engines in one click and provides access to search engine ranking, meta tags, website analyzer, link checker, keyword generator, pay per click tracker, popularity checker tools all for free. - Now, www.quickregister.net , is accepting free permanent ads on their high traffic site with their new link directory.

Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 05, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Quickregister.net , http://www.quickregister.net , has been providing free online url submission services for webmasters since 2000. In 2005 Quickregister.net added a suite of webmaster tools to their free url submission services. Members can now have free access to search engine ranking tools, meta tag creators, link checkers, keyword generation tools, pay per click search engine trackers, and popularity checker webmaster tools. Quickregister.net offers many of the same services that the paid SEO optimization companies offer for free.

Now for the year 2006 Quickregister.net has added a free reciprocal link directory. This is not the typical "free for all links directory" where ads fall off the site almost instantly. This is a directory where webmasters may submit a permanent ad about their website on niche targeted search engine friendly pages.

Webmaster's can choose from a wide variety of specialized categories in which to place their ad. They can even suggest new categories. These pages are all basic html pages which are included in the Quickregister.net site map and are regularly indexed by Google and Yahoo. Therefore the targeted pages get spidered by the search engines giving webmasters valuable free traffic.

All that is required of webmasters to place their ad is a reciprocal link back to http://www.quickregister.net .

The direct link where the free ads may be placed is http://www.quickregister.net/infowizards .
Linking codes and banner codes for Quickregister.net can be found at http://www.quickregister.net/linktous.html

Contact Matthew Meyer for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (206) 203-3045 Email: pressreleases@quickregister.net Other helpful information regarding the can be found at: http://www.quickregister.net .

For More Information Contact:

Matthew Meyer

Matthew Meyer
1314 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301