Website Drops Paid Advertising

Niche webzine removes paid advertisements in 5th year online, replacing them with PSAs (Public Service Announcements).

New York, NY, March 12, 2008 --( "We've replaced ads with empathy" announced SheepOverboard Editor, Phil Voysey.

"Paid advertising did more harm than good, compromising an ethical mission, demeaning the spirit and moral tone of articles, and degrading visual appeal" of his small-circulation website, “all for a few pennies.”

"We wasted time futilely chasing income to the detriment of presentation and content. This is a lesson for fledgling webmasters and bloggers" he explained.

"I haven't felt so enthusiastic in years. Public Service Announcements not only coincide with our message, they reveal social causes - and this was the surprise - that refocused SheepOverboard. Behind the PSAs are real people in sad situations.”

Voysey said he feared cutting paid commercials would be dispiriting and all downside. Instead he is delighted with PSAs, which enhance the webzine’s look and feel, while contributors sense a refreshing excitement of their founding days.

Small websites and blogs typically pursue income from pay-per-click text or banner advertising because it's easy income. Yet few rank highly enough to attract real money from direct paid banner or panels ads. Bloggers and struggling webmasters see no option but to embrace automated context-driven advertising.

Inevitably, once these smaller publishers choose to "monetize" they almost never question the logic. Mission and clarity is lost in the overwhelming task of monetization and all it encompasses. They are like a shop owner obsessed with fixtures, fittings, computer and cash register, oblivious to growth, planning, and marketing.

Being “brutally honest” Voysey admits had little to lose. Why he remained prisoner to a false promise (of income) that stunted imagination and growth while stealing so much time is the question all in his situation should ask.

"Five-thousand visits a month with a healthy click-through generates welcome income," said Voysey, "but it always felt wrong. The whole website was cheapened. Pages were ugly and adverts usually inappropriate, especially to sombre or tragic topics. And that was just the start. With an eye on commerce SheepOverboard has been kept off-topic and time spent pondering income tactics had our eyes completely off the ball." is an old-fashioned world view, seeking to save humankind by scolding and buffoonery. With missionary zeal authors tackle the big ideas, asserting civilization has lost the plot: "a ship of fools charting its course by observing its wake."

The welcomes unique contributions by like-minded or contrary writers.

Phil Voysey
+61 040132237150