New Connecticut Manufacturer Looks to Engage Millennials
The Leszczynski family is doing something innovative with a new small manufacturing company in Waterbury. They held an Open House yesterday featuring facility tours and the Super Duper Weenie truck.

K4 Machining is a family endeavor, led by Lou and Anna Leszczynski, who have 30+ years of experience in manufacturing in Connecticut. Their adult children also work in the business. When Lou and Anna began discussing a change over many conversations around the dinner table they decided as a family to launch a manufacturing business with the goal of growing manufacturing in Connecticut by engaging millennials in the business. The younger Leszczynskis grew up around manufacturing and loved the idea of carrying on the legacy of their parents. “We are excited to do this as a family. Anna and I have been working in the industry our entire careers, and now, we want to do something that gets millennials excited about manufacturing,” explained Lou Leszczynski.
Their oldest son, Michael, holds a Master of Engineering with concentrations in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University, and a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. While in college, he interned in a family-owned sheet metal fabrication facility where he was able to significantly reduce set-up times while improving operator safety in the process.
Daughter, Monica, holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and is completing her M.B.A., both from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Monica also has experience working in the manufacturing industry, where her efforts have been focused on developing and implementing quality management systems. Son, Jonnie, is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and son, Joey, is currently a student at Chase Collegiate School.
About K4 Machining
K4 Machining specializes in the competitively-priced precision machining of metals and plastics utilizing CNC milling, turning, and mill/turn multitasking capabilities to efficiently produce simple and complex parts. It is a family-run business founded on deep industry experience and a brain trust of the latest best practices from Cornell University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The press release, video, photos and captions are available here:
For more information, contact K4 Machining at 203-437-8764 or or visit
Lou Leszczynski

Enthusiastic about Manufacturing
Although still in high school, Joey Leszczynski has already learned a lot about the manufacturing business. Eventually, he hopes to work in marketing communications and business development for K4 Machining.

With a B.S. in Engineering and M.B.A. to come, Manufacturing is her Passion
Monica Leszczynski explains the processes and equipment they employ at K4 Machining to create precision parts made of metal and plastic.

Putting his Cornell and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute degrees to Work
Michael Leszczynski earned an M.S. in Engineering at Cornell University, and a B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At K4 Machining, he is putting his education to work to advance manufacturing in Connecticut.

Launching a CNC Machining Business during his Summer Break
Jonnie Leszczynski talks about his first year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and his work this summer at K4 Machining.

Family of Engineers Looks to Grow Manufacturing in Connecticut
K4 Machining is a family endeavor founded to engage millennials in manufacturing in Connecticut. Pictured here are the Leszczynskis - Joey, Monica, Jonnie, Michael, Lou, and Anna, and Mark T.

K4 Machining Sign
The sign from the road marks K4 Machining's location. K4 Machining is a new precision parts manufacturer located in Waterbury, Connecticut.

Press Release
Here is the press release in a Word document.