Loveforce International Issues Quarterly Report
Information on the highlights of Loveforce International's Quarterly Report.
Santa Clarita, CA, October 05, 2018 --( From their offices in Southern California, Loveforce International Publishing Company issued their Quarterly Report for the Quareter ending September 23, 2018. A narrative summary of the report is as follows: The Summer of 2018, marked a productive period for Loveforce International Publishing Company. Loveforce International had strong sales in The United States, Mexico, Spain, Italy and The Netherlands. Spanish translations of several of their titles including Become The Person You’ve Always Wanted to be (Como convertirse en la persona que siempre ha deseado ser.: Un simple personalizado, sistema, la transformación) by Mark Wilkins and the Spanish translation of Classic Children’s Stories You’ve Likely Never Heard (Historias clásicas para niños Que usted probablemente nunca oído) by Dr. Goose did especially well. Leading the selling of their English Language books were the Perennial Black in America and also Finding God without Religion (Which sold well in both English & Spanish) both by The Prophet of Life. This summer also marked inroads into Italy and the Netherlands both relatively new territories for Loveforce International.
For further information contact Evan Lovefire at (661) 523-4954
For further information contact Evan Lovefire at (661) 523-4954
LoveForce International Publishing
Evan Lee Lovefire, Coordinator
(661) 298-5918
Evan Lee Lovefire, Coordinator
(661) 298-5918
