Professional Free HTML Emailer Layouts for Email Marketing Campaigns provides free professional emailer layouts for email campaigns.
Long Beach, CA, March 23, 2008 --( Announcing the launch of new website that provides free emailer and newsletter layouts for email campaigns. helps entrepreneurs, home business, small scale industry and agencies, start ups, schools and non-profit organizations with free professional emailer and newsletter layouts. Visitors can select layouts and request the HTML version of their selected layout for easy and quick launch campaigns.
There are various categories of layouts available for users to browse and select, namely - business layouts, single and double column layouts, simple layouts and newsletter layouts. New layout designs and categories are added to the design library with simultaneous HTML production every week. All the requested layouts from are tested and rendered in major email clients such as Yahoo mail, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL webmail, Outlook 2007.
The website comes with microblog, link referral section to best email marketing articles and also with a provision to suggest new layouts where visitors can suggest a particular kind of emailer layout they are looking for.
HTMLemailers, founded in January 2008 - not only helps cut cost on emailer design budget but also provides emailer marketing design and development consultations. The site is developed as a hobby by a designer who has 7 years of work experience, including 3 years of involvement in email marketing front and backend design/development.
With the increasing visitor hits and needs, the website owner not only plans to add few more hands to help designing variety of emailer layouts, but also to enhance the website with more features and broad range of categories for the visitors to choose layouts from.
For additional information contact Carboncy by visiting
### helps entrepreneurs, home business, small scale industry and agencies, start ups, schools and non-profit organizations with free professional emailer and newsletter layouts. Visitors can select layouts and request the HTML version of their selected layout for easy and quick launch campaigns.
There are various categories of layouts available for users to browse and select, namely - business layouts, single and double column layouts, simple layouts and newsletter layouts. New layout designs and categories are added to the design library with simultaneous HTML production every week. All the requested layouts from are tested and rendered in major email clients such as Yahoo mail, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL webmail, Outlook 2007.
The website comes with microblog, link referral section to best email marketing articles and also with a provision to suggest new layouts where visitors can suggest a particular kind of emailer layout they are looking for.
HTMLemailers, founded in January 2008 - not only helps cut cost on emailer design budget but also provides emailer marketing design and development consultations. The site is developed as a hobby by a designer who has 7 years of work experience, including 3 years of involvement in email marketing front and backend design/development.
With the increasing visitor hits and needs, the website owner not only plans to add few more hands to help designing variety of emailer layouts, but also to enhance the website with more features and broad range of categories for the visitors to choose layouts from.
For additional information contact Carboncy by visiting
Carboncy Syl
Carboncy Syl