Don Lichterman Announces the Release of “Ranger Road” in Support of Disabled Veterans of the U.S. Army

Don Lichterman Announces the Release of “Ranger Road” in Support of Disabled Veterans of the U.S. Army: A compilation album featuring prestigious names, and dedicated to the disabled veterans of the U.S Army.

Cherry Hill, NJ, February 14, 2019 --( Don Lichterman announces the release of Ranger Road, a compilation album dedicated to the veterans of the U.S. Army, and featuring prestigious names such as Beyonce, Fatboy Slim, and Richstate just to name a few. Lichterman produced and put together all the songs included in this compilation, home to 15 tracks.

He works in close ties with the Ranger Road, a non-profit organization that uses 100% of its funds to help disabled veterans through multiple projects.

Don Lichterman, a veteran staffer at several major entertainment companies, is the founder and current head of SCA (Sunset Corporation of America) and the Sustainable Action Network (SAN).

He also worked extensively in the music production field, since his first job in the Industry required him to manage Chalet Sound Studios and Production Company in New Jersey, where Jon Bon Jovi worked on the pre production of his New Jersey album. As a managing director, he worked with some big names of the industry, including Jon Bon Jovi, Skid Row, John Entwistle Babylon A.D. Baton Rouge, and during the recording of the Village People comeback CD. He also managed the facility that brought Gorky Park to America, the first Russian band to record for a major label in the United States. His excellent management skills led to the band touring and opening for Jon Bon Jovi in stadiums all over the world.

Mr. Lichterman is also an animal and wildlife activist who created the non-profit organization Sustainable Action Network (SAN), an NGO dedicated to raise awareness and create laws to prevent animal cruelty, increase gun safety, oppose the privatization of prisons, and expose corporate corruption. He has volunteered his time to many organizations that promote his ideologies of conservation, animal rights, and ending corruption in our society. He has also been named one of the volunteer coaches for the Special Olympic teams (Volleyball, Soccer and basketball) with the Bancroft School in New Jersey in the fall seasons in 2015, with his teams winning two Gold Medal Awards and one Silver medal Award at both the Winter, Spring and Summer Games in New Jersey.

His latest project, the Ranger Road compilation, is aimed at amassing funds for the Ranger Road non profit organization, and continue to help a cause very dear to his heart, helping disabled veterans.
Sunset Special markets (SSM)
Anthony Katz