WhoHas.com Beta is Now Available

Anixom, Inc. launches the beta version of its new search engine, WhoHas.comâ„¢.

Los Angeles, CA, March 27, 2008 --(PR.com)-- A privately held Los Angeles based company, Anixom, Inc. announces the soft launch of its new search engine, WhoHas.com. The new search engine is a niche product designed to efficiently search products and services sold on the Internet. The service is launched with over 4 million products in the database covering industries from consumer electronics to specialty products.

So far, the company has not widely advertised the soft launch. The management is hoping that the usage will be relatively low in the beginning to allow for further fine tuning and optimization of the software.

“We are greatly excited to demonstrate our product to the public for the first time,” said Igor Semenov, the President of Anixom, Inc. “We performed extensive research on different searching techniques and changed the direction of the development and the algorithm several times to arrive at the winning formula. We believe the users will appreciate the completeness of our search results and lack of doorways and other spam, typical for most search engines.” The company has worked on the development of the first version of WhoHas.com search engine for the last six months. About the same time was spent on the initial research and development of the optimal searching techniques for the new product.

“We wanted to design a search engine that provides the highest quality results to the user,” said Oleg Krasnov, the Chief Technical Officer of Anixom, Inc. “For that, we utilized a third-generation search engine algorithm. Our software uses artificial intelligence to examine the content of a website similarly to how a human would and determine whether it is a store, an affiliate, or a doorway.” According to the technical personnel, WhoHas.com also uses an innovative proprietary algorithm to index all e-commerce websites on the Internet without actually having to crawl all pages on the World Wide Web, as other search engines do. This innovation allows not only for much faster resource indexing, but also for a substantially smaller load on the company’s servers.

The company partnered with The Planet.com Internet Services, Inc. of Houston, TX to accommodate the high volumes of search engine data, where it leases multiple servers.

Anixom, Inc. also partnered with AdSense division of Google™ to provide context sensitive advertising on WhoHas.com product search pages.

About WhoHas.com

WhoHas.com is search engine indexing products and services sold on the Internet. Unlike shopping directories, WhoHas.com crawls the web and automatically adds resources to its database, instead of relying on manual entry by advertisers. Thus, it provides superior search results to the user, including niche, rare, and hard to find products. WhoHas.com uses third-generation search engine algorithm to analyze websites and filter out doorways and spam.

About Anixom, Inc.

Anixom, Inc. is a privately held research and development company with offices in Los Angeles, CA and in St. Petersburg, Russia. Anixom, Inc. was founded by Sergey Nikitin, who serves as a media relations manager, and Igor Semenov, the president. Prior to starting Anixom, Inc., the founders managed a successful e-commerce affiliate network, which was later acquired by a competitor.

Anixom Inc.
Sergey Nikitin