The Neuro Signaling Foundation, Broomfield, Colorado

Breakthrough technology instructs cancer cells to die, announces the Neuro-Signaling Foundation - a new method of detecting, recording and re-programming cell communication codes to fight cancer.

New York, NY, March 27, 2008 --( A new discovery of how cancer cells talk to each other, the basis for a new treatment technology in the battle against cancer, was announced today by James K. Poliner, MD, FCCP, Medical Director of the Neuro-Signaling Foundation, Broomfield, CO, who heads the scientific team.

“These findings are as revolutionary as stem cells, but not as controversial.” says senior scientist Eleanor Schuler. Schuler is the inventor of 10 awarded patents that demonstrate that cells communicate through coded signals.

Dr. Poliner adds: “our approach, eavesdropping on cellular “chatter” aims to disrupt the very language of cancer and can have clinical application to a wide range of malignancy.”

Yale Medical School Associate Professor Herbert Dubow, MD (ret) adds: “turning off cancer cell communication chatter is an appealing concept. If the cancer cells can be disabled, that’s what we want. Nothing is worse than a healthy aggressive cancer. I applaud the team that is developing this new clinical approach.”

According to oncologist Kenneth Gold, MD, Bayshore NY, “I would welcome a new therapeutic approach that aims to down-regulate cytokine-mediated tumor cell growth. I am anxious to see which institutions co-venture the upcoming laboratory studies.”

“As a potential adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy, the new signaling approach offers an elegant opportunity for reprogramming of the mechanisms in the interior of malignant cells. “ says Dr. Poliner. “ Because of limitations imposed by our patent attorney I can not delve deeper into our technical concepts at this time, though I can say 2 cancer cell patents are pending and 8 others are in preparation, targeting diseases such as lung, prostate and breast cancer.”

Attorney William M. Lee Jr. of Barnes & Thornburg, Chicago, Illinois stated: “This is an exciting development quite unlike anything that we have seen before. We are going to aggressively protect all aspects of the inventions, and add to the patent applications that we have already filed.”

Regarding the 10 issued patents, laboratory studies have demonstrated that these inventions have the potential to operate such systems as respiration, digestion, blood pressure and heart rate, and to report organ status to the brain by tiny encoded electrical signals traveling at blinding speed.

“Each body system uses distinctly encoded signals”, Schuler says , “all cells, including cancer cells, are the smallest functional unit of the body that defines life and have their own distinct codes. When we control cellular communication systems we can direct cancer cells to die.”

About the Neuro-Signaling Foundation:
The not-for-profit Neuro Signaling Foundation, Broomfield Co. is working to speed the development of this new cell signaling research and bring it from the laboratory to the doctor’s office as an adjunct to current cancer treatments.

For interviews and additional information:
Phone: 212-221-3399
Mobile: 917 626 1074

Please visit the web site

U.S. Patents Awarded; Inventors: Eleanor Schuler et al

1. “Device and method to record, store and broadcast specific brain wave forms to modulate body organ functioning”. U.S. 7,308,302 B1

2. “Electrical method to control autonomic nerve stimulation of gastrointestinal tract”. U.S. 6,775,573 B2

3. “Device and method to modulate blood pressure by electrical waveforms”. U.S. 6,681,136 B2

4. “Method and apparatus for myocardial control”.
U.S. 6,751,501 B1

5. “Respiratory control by means of neuro-electrical coded signals” U.S. 6,937,903 B2

6. “Implantable method to regulate blood pressure by means of coded nerve signals” U.S. 6,957,106 B2

7. “Regulation of endocrine and exocrine glands by means of neuro- electrical coded signals” U.S. 7,058,446 B2

8. “Specific method for implantable cardiac control”.
U.S. 7,062,324 B2

9. “Device and procedure to treat cardiac atrial arrhythmias” U.S. 7,011,638 B2

10. “Treatment of asthma and respiratory disease by means of electrical neuro-receptive waveforms”. U.S. 6,633,779 B1

The Neuro-Signaling Foundation
Lillian Firestone
212 221-1399