Peace Mennonite Church and Oaklawn Methodist Church Present Beating Guns Tour Dallas
Activist Shane Claiborne and Blacksmith Mike Martin offer ways to heal the gun violence epidemic in their new book Beating Guns: Hope for People Who Are Weary of Violence. Come hear Claiborne, Martin, and local activists share on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30 PM at Oak Lawn Methodist Church.
Dallas, TX, March 18, 2019 --( Oak Lawn United Methodist Church and Peace Mennonite Church present the Beating Guns Tour in Dallas at 6:30 pm at Oak Lawn United Methodist Church 3401 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, TX.
Presenters include Shane Claiborne, a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Shane worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He leads Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks committed to living “as if Jesus meant the things he said.” His books include Jesus for President, Executing Grace, Red Letter Revolution, and his classic The Irresistible Revolution. He has been featured in a many films including, “Another World Is Possible” and “Ordinary Radicals.” Shane speaks over 100 times a year, nationally and internationally. His work has appeared in Esquire, SPIN, Christianity Today, and The Wall Street Journal and has been on everything from Fox News and Al Jazeera to CNN and NPR. He has lectured at Harvard, Princeton, Liberty, Duke, and Notre Dame. Mike Martin is the founder and executive director of RAWtools, which partners with communities in an effort to repurpose weapons for creative and productive uses. A former Mennonite pastor, Mike learned to blacksmith in order to turn guns into garden tools and is passionate about connecting people to nonviolent skills like restorative justice and conflict mediation. He is trained for restorative justice facilitation and encourages everyone to explore how they can connect to similar efforts in their community. Mike is licensed for specialized ministry in Mountain States Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA. He blogs at Beating Guns is his first book. Reverend Peter Johnson is a prominent civil rights leader whose history of activism in Dallas spans 40+ years. Born in Louisiana, he has worked with Martin Luther King, Jr. and across the southern civil rights movement with the NAACP, Congress of Racial Equality, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He moved to here in 1969 as the SCLC lead to desegregate Dallas movie theaters. He has since campaigned for the rights of low income residents of Fair Park, fair grocery policies with Operation Breadbasket, and against structural inequality and urban hunger. He has taught at UNT and promotes civil rights law, youth empowerment, and a just community. Shetamia Taylor: Having survived the Dallas shooting on 7/7/2016 that killed five police officers and injured 11 others, Shetamia Taylor offers a critical perspective on gun violence in the USA. A humble community activist, she emphasizes that she is still most notably a mother and a wife. Taylor is running for Mesquite City Council and, noting racial disparities in gun rights and control, will be President of the Garland Chapter of the National African American Gun Association. Taylor received the Community Champion Award from the Texas Organizing Project and the Resilience Award of Excellence from Measure, based in Austin, TX; and was featured in TIME Magazine’s “Guns in America,” and Sunday Civics’s “The Power of Black Guns.” Engage in Dallas - FB Page: Beating Guns. FB Group: Red Letter Christians – Dallas Community!
Dallas Contact: Lindsay Williambrown, Williambrown Consulting,, 814-280-0694 National Media for Red Letter Christians: Kelly Hughes, DeChant Hughes Public Relations,, 312-280-8126
Presenters include Shane Claiborne, a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Shane worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta and founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He leads Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks committed to living “as if Jesus meant the things he said.” His books include Jesus for President, Executing Grace, Red Letter Revolution, and his classic The Irresistible Revolution. He has been featured in a many films including, “Another World Is Possible” and “Ordinary Radicals.” Shane speaks over 100 times a year, nationally and internationally. His work has appeared in Esquire, SPIN, Christianity Today, and The Wall Street Journal and has been on everything from Fox News and Al Jazeera to CNN and NPR. He has lectured at Harvard, Princeton, Liberty, Duke, and Notre Dame. Mike Martin is the founder and executive director of RAWtools, which partners with communities in an effort to repurpose weapons for creative and productive uses. A former Mennonite pastor, Mike learned to blacksmith in order to turn guns into garden tools and is passionate about connecting people to nonviolent skills like restorative justice and conflict mediation. He is trained for restorative justice facilitation and encourages everyone to explore how they can connect to similar efforts in their community. Mike is licensed for specialized ministry in Mountain States Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA. He blogs at Beating Guns is his first book. Reverend Peter Johnson is a prominent civil rights leader whose history of activism in Dallas spans 40+ years. Born in Louisiana, he has worked with Martin Luther King, Jr. and across the southern civil rights movement with the NAACP, Congress of Racial Equality, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He moved to here in 1969 as the SCLC lead to desegregate Dallas movie theaters. He has since campaigned for the rights of low income residents of Fair Park, fair grocery policies with Operation Breadbasket, and against structural inequality and urban hunger. He has taught at UNT and promotes civil rights law, youth empowerment, and a just community. Shetamia Taylor: Having survived the Dallas shooting on 7/7/2016 that killed five police officers and injured 11 others, Shetamia Taylor offers a critical perspective on gun violence in the USA. A humble community activist, she emphasizes that she is still most notably a mother and a wife. Taylor is running for Mesquite City Council and, noting racial disparities in gun rights and control, will be President of the Garland Chapter of the National African American Gun Association. Taylor received the Community Champion Award from the Texas Organizing Project and the Resilience Award of Excellence from Measure, based in Austin, TX; and was featured in TIME Magazine’s “Guns in America,” and Sunday Civics’s “The Power of Black Guns.” Engage in Dallas - FB Page: Beating Guns. FB Group: Red Letter Christians – Dallas Community!
Dallas Contact: Lindsay Williambrown, Williambrown Consulting,, 814-280-0694 National Media for Red Letter Christians: Kelly Hughes, DeChant Hughes Public Relations,, 312-280-8126
Kelly Hughes
