Music Poll Aims to Raise Funds for the Removal of Plastic Bags from the Environment

A new internet music poll aims to collect the 'most moving music on the planet' as a method of raising funds for the removal of plastic bags in the environment.

London, United Kingdom, April 01, 2008 --( 24 Hours On Planet Earth (24HOPE) -

The battle against the single use plastic bag and plastic in the environment has a new weapon added to its arsenal. Joined by a common concern about plastic in the environment, people around the world are giving the names of the most moving tunes of their lives to a growing collection of emotive music that is on course to become a compilation of the most moving music that the world has ever known.

Globally supported, 24 Hours On Planet Earth (24HOPE) is a new approach to alleviating the problem of discarded plastic in the environment. 24HOPE is different to traditional charities in that it asks for specific musical information as part of its campaign to change discarded plastic from being a problem into a valuable resource.

In the only open vote of its kind on the Internet, supporters are asked for the names of the four most important and emotionally moving tunes of their lives, then to place them in four possible time slots during the day via the 24HOPE website. In this way 24 hours of the most moving music on Planet earth is being collected. The purpose of the collection is to raise support to create a charitable trust that can finance the work of the project.

The 24HOPE project aims to influence the present situation, where it is uneconomical to collect mixed plastic waste for reuse and recycling. Currently, mixed plastic waste including plastic bottles and bags is considered worthless. 24HOPE plans to turn this on its head and give discarded plastic a monetary value by using the funding gained via subsequent CD and download sales of the compilation.

24HOPE seeks to act as the proverbial carrot, encouraging people to pick up discarded plastic, while the bans, charges, legislation and taxes globally act as the stick in preventing further single use plastic bags from entering the environment.

24 Hours on Planet Earth is the brainchild of Lionel Smith, who came up with the idea while travelling during a career break. On the subject of his journey Lionel had to say: “I noticed that it didn’t matter if I was in the middle of a desert in Africa, or on a beach in the South Pacific, I had the constant unwanted companionship of discarded plastic bags, especially in poorer areas.”

He went on to say “I spoke to people about it and realised that almost everyone was concerned about the situation. When I asked what was being done about it, there was usually a shaking of heads and shrugging of shoulders. I started asking people if they would be prepared to pick up the discarded plastic bags if I paid them to. I had a few odd looks, but an overwhelmingly positive response. It started my brain ticking over, 24 Hours on Planet Earth is the result.”

24 Hours on Planet Earth is set to be a powerful combination of a popular open vote, and a cause that aims for a cleaner environment.

24 Hours On Planet Earth
Lionel Smith
+44 7947877336