Award-Winning Author, Magdalena Ball Talks with Stories for Children Magazine About Her Latest Book, Sleep Before Evening
Ivins, UT, April 05, 2008 --( Magdalena Ball chatted with Gayle Jacobson-Huest, Assistant Editor Stories for Children Magazine. The two ladies talked about Ball’s latest book, Sleep Before Evening which is about the creative urge: its origins and the potential dangers of not satisfying it.
Written for readers ages 16 and up, Gayle Jacobson-Huset asked Ball why she decided to write, Sleep Before Evening. Ball stated, “Interestingly, I didn’t originally set out to write a novel that explored drug addiction. I knew that I wanted the book to be about a rite of passage that worked somewhere between an emotional breakdown and the overall redemptive nature of the art (in the case of my book, music) to provide the solution to that breakdown, but I had no idea that the breakdown would involve drugs or that my protagonist would become drawn into this kind of addiction and drama. It happened organically, once I developed my character and got to know her, I put her in a scene and the story emerged naturally. There have been a fair few drug addictions in my family, and I knew quite a lot about the nature of addiction, drug and otherwise, vicariously I’m happy to say, so perhaps this was an underlying, albeit unconscious driver for me.”
Gayle Jacobson-Huset also talks with Ball about family life, what makes a good writer, what it’s like being an editor, and much more.
Magdalena Ball is the editor of The Compulsive Reader. Her short stories, editorials, poetry, reviews and articles have appeared in a wide number of printed anthologies and journals, and have won local and international awards for poetry and fiction. She also works as a manuscript assessor for Manuscripts Online, is a member of the BookConnector Advisory Board, an Evaluative Reader for Catchfire Press, and Information Manager for Orica.
To read more of Maggie Ball’s interview with Assistant Editor Gayle Jacobson-Huset visit Stories for Children Magazine at
There are many wonderful articles and stories in the April 2008 issue of Stories for Children Magazine to share with children ages 3 to 12 years old, too.
Learn more about Stories for Children Magazine visit:
Full Media Kit, Magazine Cover Art, and more are available upon request electronically.
Contact: VS Grenier
Editor, Stories for Children Magazine
Written for readers ages 16 and up, Gayle Jacobson-Huset asked Ball why she decided to write, Sleep Before Evening. Ball stated, “Interestingly, I didn’t originally set out to write a novel that explored drug addiction. I knew that I wanted the book to be about a rite of passage that worked somewhere between an emotional breakdown and the overall redemptive nature of the art (in the case of my book, music) to provide the solution to that breakdown, but I had no idea that the breakdown would involve drugs or that my protagonist would become drawn into this kind of addiction and drama. It happened organically, once I developed my character and got to know her, I put her in a scene and the story emerged naturally. There have been a fair few drug addictions in my family, and I knew quite a lot about the nature of addiction, drug and otherwise, vicariously I’m happy to say, so perhaps this was an underlying, albeit unconscious driver for me.”
Gayle Jacobson-Huset also talks with Ball about family life, what makes a good writer, what it’s like being an editor, and much more.
Magdalena Ball is the editor of The Compulsive Reader. Her short stories, editorials, poetry, reviews and articles have appeared in a wide number of printed anthologies and journals, and have won local and international awards for poetry and fiction. She also works as a manuscript assessor for Manuscripts Online, is a member of the BookConnector Advisory Board, an Evaluative Reader for Catchfire Press, and Information Manager for Orica.
To read more of Maggie Ball’s interview with Assistant Editor Gayle Jacobson-Huset visit Stories for Children Magazine at
There are many wonderful articles and stories in the April 2008 issue of Stories for Children Magazine to share with children ages 3 to 12 years old, too.
Learn more about Stories for Children Magazine visit:
Full Media Kit, Magazine Cover Art, and more are available upon request electronically.
Contact: VS Grenier
Editor, Stories for Children Magazine
Stories for Children Magazine
VS Grenier
VS Grenier
