The United States Has the Highest Teenage Pregnancy Rate of All Developed Countries

Teen pregnancy is a problem in the US. Non Profit Foundations such as Birth Choice in California offer hope through education. Recovery Coaching offers necessary life skills. Motivate 4 Success Recovery Coach Chez Wise presented to girls in Placentia and Mission Viejo, Ca. Education on simple life skills such as networking mean a lot.

San Clemente, CA, April 05, 2008 --( Coach Chez Wise, Motivate 4 Success a Recovery Coach, along with Trish Perez, spoke to a group of women who have made a decision that will change the course of their lives. These presentations were at the request of Birth Choice Birth Choice Health Clinics are free and confidential. The Clinics are licensed community care clinics offering medical consultations and more. They also help their clients with whatever else they need during this time, education through speakers is one of the ways they support the girls.

Life skills are the fundamental crux of Recovery Coaching. Many people have lost the simple skills, or were never taught them as children. Recovery Coaching is an opportunity to relearn what living is all about. Teenage girls have not had a chance to learn how to be adults. Far too many of them will enter into poverty and stay there. There is hope, and definitely an opportunity to be who you know you can be. Sharing some of the ideas, and concepts used in Recovery Coaching with the girls opened their eyes, to new and creative ways of dealing with what is to come. Teaching simple network skills, they realized that each of them has a little knowledge to share and collectively, they have a lot. Recovery from life or Addiction, are very similar.

These are a few of the facts:
· Teen pregnancy rates are much higher in the United States than in many other developed countries-twice as high as in England and Wales or Canada, and eight times as high as in the Netherlands or Japan.
· About 1 million teenagers become pregnant each year; 95% of those pregnancies are unintended, and almost one third end in abortion.
· Public costs from teenage childbearing totaled $120 billion from 1985 -- 1990; $48 billion could have been saved if each birth had been postponed until the mother was at least 20 years old.
· Each year, almost 750,000 women aged 15-19 become pregnant. Overall, 75 pregnancies occur every year per 1,000 women aged 15-19
· Teen pregnancies are unplanned and account for about 1 out of 5 of all unintended pregnancies annually.
· Two-thirds of all teen pregnancies occur among 18-19-year-olds.

The statistics are mind boggling. “We were told they needed hope, so that is what we gave them, and some real good ideas on how to make decisions and develop a life plan!” said Trish Perez. Speeches at both the Placentia Location and Mission Viejo got the participants excited to develop their community, become successful parents, and solid participants in their own destiny.

Guttmacher Institute, U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics: National and State Trends and Trends by Race and Ethnicity.

Darroch JE and Singh S, Why is teenage pregnancy declining? the roles of abstinence, sexual activity and contraceptive use, Occasional Report, New York: AGI, 1999, No. 1.

Finer LB et al., Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2006, 38(2):90–96.

Motivate 4 Success
Coach Chez Wise