CenterTrac 2.0 Manages Tutoring and Education Centers Online

System adds features; upgrades to advanced architecture.

La Jolla, CA, April 05, 2008 --( LearnSpeed LLC today introduced version 2.0 of CenterTrac (, an online education and tutoring center management system. The new version adds greater functionality to the existing product which puts every aspect of an education center’s business online. From logging instructional sessions to generating invoice data, CenterTrac dramatically streamlines daily operations and supplies automatic feedback to clients. It provides center managers with realtime reports and data exporting. The system can save data as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and PDF files and built-in QuickBooks exporting makes entering monthly invoice data effortless.

CenterTrac has helped its clients grow their businesses and even open additional centers using fewer resources, thanks to improved efficiency of operations.

“Since starting with CenterTrac, our administrative time and expenses decreased dramatically,” said Colleen L. Christopher, owner of Study Depot ( “More significantly, our retention of students has improved, parents are much happier and tutors feel more involved.”

“CenterTrac works very economically with education centers of all sizes,” said LearnSpeed President Jared Wells. “If your center is just starting out or servicing several thousand students, CenterTrac will meet your needs and fit into your budget. Our experience has shown that centers using our product have more than covered the expense of the service through direct cost savings and increased business.“

“CenterTrac has given us a critical tool for handling the volume of our SES students,” says William Harris, Controller for Failure Free Reading ( “When we needed a report to export data the State of New York could import, CenterTrac came through. That feature alone paid for the service many times over.”

In addition to a completely new, real-time user interface, CenterTrac 2.0 adds major new modules for use by both private tutoring and Supplemental Education Services (SES) providers.

The Student Assessment module allows a center to record testing and evaluation data for each student. That data can then be exported to reports or spreadsheets for analysis.

The Session Credits module allows center administrators to assign the number of available sessions for each student by session type. The system can send alerts based on the remaining sessions dropping below any set limit. Instructors can also be prevented from entering sessions for any student whose credits have depleted.

The Group Sessions module allows both private and SES instructors to create a single log for multiple students in the same tutoring session. Easy attendance-taking and group notes make handling classes a breeze.

The Time-Sheets module allows a center to assign different pre-approved billing rates and types to instructors and administrators with default pay rates that can be overridden per user. Instructors and administrators can then use the site to log their hours. Reports make end-of-the-month payroll a snap.

CenterTrac 2.0 has been built using the same advanced browser technology that Google uses for applications like Gmail and Google Calendar. This makes the new CenterTrac version feel less like a website and more like a local desktop application. But as before, new features are continually added and every user of CenterTrac instantly has access to them.

“We made the new CenterTrac both technically advanced and flexible,” said LearnSpeed CTO Timothy White. “Using the site will make you forget it’s actually a browser. We’ve built the system to support significant growth for our clients and a superior user experience well into the future. There are a lot of great new features on the horizon.”

CenterTrac 2.0 comes with a new tiered pricing model that costs centers less the more they use the system. Centers are only billed for each active student they see each month. Access to all other information including work orders, communications logs, the task system, and student historical information is free.

About CenterTrac
CenterTrac is an online management system that provides a complete solution to managing the daily operations of an education or tutoring center. Administrators, instructors, clients, and students all receive accounts on the system. Sessions are logged into the system directly by instructors, approved by administrators, and then emailed to clients.

CenterTrac is priced based on the number of active students per month with no term commitments.

Operating in a fully secure and redundant data center, CenterTrac utilizes robust encryption and data protection procedures.

About LearnSpeed, LLC.

Founded by Jared Wells and Timothy White, LearnSpeed LLC is a provider of online business management applications and services. Wells has been in education for over 15 years and successfully operates his own chain of tutoring centers. White is an accomplished system and software architect who currently consults on a variety of high tech projects to companies like CBS.

Press Contacts: Jared Wells, President - LearnSpeed, LLC
7460 Girard Avenue, Ste 7
La Jolla CA 92037

Learnspeed, LLC
Jared Wells