Connect Customers to Businesses and Businesses to Customers

Brisbane, Australia, April 06, 2008 --( The traditional way you find and get quotes from tradesman and service providers is out and a new online service is in. connects customers to businesses and businesses to customers.

Getting three quotes is the smartest way to find a Trade or Service, but in today’s climate it usually takes forever to find three who are available and willing to provide a quote, let alone return the phone call.

This often means we go with the first one we come across that shows any interest in doing the work, and usually knowing full well they are charging more then a fair price.

Customer get frustrated by the effort it takes to find Trade or Service Providers that are available when its needed, often spending hours on the telephone calling people - now that a new Australia wide company "" have launched, it seems the problem is now solved, and best of all its all online and free.

With the services industry booming in Australia, the trades and service providers are picking and choosing the work that is out there, this causes a major problem for the customer. The number one problem seen is "tradesmen don’t call back, or don’t want the work, they are already have more work then they can handle.

Determine to find a simple solution, the 3 brothers that make up the C2B team, have been experimenting with different online booking and scheduling systems since 2004 and the basic concept of collecting consumer’s needs and relaying this information to relevant businesses expanded into

Brock, who heads up the marketing team from Click2Book, says "The traditional methods Click2Book have used over the years to find a tradesman are just not keeping up with new technology that’s available. Services like TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, and Paper Based Business Directories are failing to deliver what the younger generation are demanding. From a customers point, the motto is ""Because, wouldn't it be easier to have businesses call you!”

Click2Book combines web and mobile SMS technology to present an innovative way of connecting customers to businesses and businesses to customers, a complete alternative to traditional advertising methods used by professionals to find valid sales leads. Customer leads contain the customers’ job request and contact details and are sent to matching businesses via a text message (SMS). This enables businesses to act promptly and efficiently to a customer’s needs.

Click2Book will change the way people are doing business at the simple click of a button.

Click 2 Book
Craig Collins
(07) 3166 1507