Principled Technologies Tests DataCore vFilO, Which Helps Resolve Several Issues in Multiple-NAS Environments
The software solution let users locate files with a single search and automatically moved files to better utilize storage resources.

Durham, NC, May 30, 2020 --( Many organizations use multiple network-attached storage (NAS) systems that they have added over the years. Fully utilizing the storage capacity of these systems can be a challenge because users often embed links to files in their documents, and these links would break if an administrator shifted files from crowded systems to ones with available space. Another downside of this arrangement is that users must search one hierarchy after another when trying to locate files.
Principled Technologies (PT) tested DataCore vFilO, a software that mitigates these issues by virtualizing file and object storage. In PT tests, vFilO assimilated multiple NAS systems into a single, global namespace, which lets users access files using the same hierarchies they already use and locate files with a single search. vFilO Data Mobility features also automatically moved files according to rules set by administrators.
According to the report, “By providing a single, global namespace, vFilO makes it easier for users to find the files they are looking for. IT administrators can also benefit from vFilO policies that automatically migrate files to the appropriate local or cloud storage and consolidate multiple older file servers, and the company [using vFilO] can potentially reduce costs by avoiding or delaying the purchase of new storage hardware.”
To learn more about the ways DataCore vFilO can help solve the problems inherent in maintaining multiple NAS systems, read the report at
About Principled Technologies, Inc.
Principled Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of technology marketing and learning & development services.
Principled Technologies, Inc. is located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. For more information, please visit
Company Contact
Sharon Horton
Principled Technologies, Inc.
1007 Slater Road, Suite #300
Durham, NC 27703
Principled Technologies (PT) tested DataCore vFilO, a software that mitigates these issues by virtualizing file and object storage. In PT tests, vFilO assimilated multiple NAS systems into a single, global namespace, which lets users access files using the same hierarchies they already use and locate files with a single search. vFilO Data Mobility features also automatically moved files according to rules set by administrators.
According to the report, “By providing a single, global namespace, vFilO makes it easier for users to find the files they are looking for. IT administrators can also benefit from vFilO policies that automatically migrate files to the appropriate local or cloud storage and consolidate multiple older file servers, and the company [using vFilO] can potentially reduce costs by avoiding or delaying the purchase of new storage hardware.”
To learn more about the ways DataCore vFilO can help solve the problems inherent in maintaining multiple NAS systems, read the report at
About Principled Technologies, Inc.
Principled Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of technology marketing and learning & development services.
Principled Technologies, Inc. is located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. For more information, please visit
Company Contact
Sharon Horton
Principled Technologies, Inc.
1007 Slater Road, Suite #300
Durham, NC 27703
Principled Technologies, Inc.
Sharon Horton
Sharon Horton
