Minus the Imple: Thought-Provoking Novel Available at Lulu.com

Minus the Imple is a fictionalized true story about one man's quest to find the answers to the phenomena that punctuate his experiences throughout his life. It's a story about love and loss, faith and humanity. Does the human soul really exist, or is it merely a reassuring notion most people fully accept as real?

Rochester, NY, April 15, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Minus the Imple is a new novel, billed as a ‘fictionalized true story’, now available for purchase through internet self-publishing giant Lulu.com. The largely autobiographical novel is the latest work by Rochester, NY author Robert R. Chandler, a marketing communications specialist at Rochester Institute of Technology.

"I’ve labeled it a ‘fictionalized true story’ because I want to be accurate in depicting the book’s two best features," Chandler explains. The story is largely a memoir, according to the 50-something author, but names and actual venues have been changed and some elements of fantasy have been added for entertainment value. “The names of the characters may have been changed, but all are based upon people who have greatly influenced me over the course of my life,” he adds.

The inspirational tale of Minus the Imple traces the life of a humble man from early childhood to the present day, and recounts the recurring unexplainable phenomena that punctuate his experiences. Written in an accessible style reminiscent of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, this is a story about love and loss, faith and redemption, and the search for one’s own identity. Minus the Imple explores the widely-accepted notion of the human soul as one of life’s universal mysteries for which many seek answers.

This novel (268 pages; ISBN# 978-0-6151-9772-2; Lulu.com ID #2035657), inspired by a random incident that occurred in 2002, has been a work-in-progress since 2004 and is now ready to be shared with the world. Minus the Imple represents the first-ever publishing project for Privileged Publishing and is currently available for purchase through Lulu at: http://www.lulu.com/content/2035657

Robert R. Chandler, 585/402-0376
Email: mailto:mrdizz@rochester.rr.com
Website: http://privilegedpublishing.wordpress.com/

Privileged Publishing
Robert R. Chandler