Duke Lacrosse Father Remembers

Raleigh, NC, April 16, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Kevin Finnerty, father of Duke lacrosse player Collin Finnerty -- one of the three boys exonerated after false charges were dropped in the high profile case by North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper -- remembers April last year when his son and family were reeling under the false allegations and lurid media coverage across the globe.

In a letter to Raleigh's monthly Metro Magazine, Kevin Finnerty thanks writer Sharon Swanson for the feature she wrote for the magazine in January 2007 -- the first interview with any of the families before the case was resolved.

"I really just wanted to let you know how much I truly appreciated your taking the time to travel and meet with us that day, and how important your heartfelt article was for the all of the Finnertys at that time, especially my wife Mary Ellen," Finnerty wrote to Metro Magazine and writer Sharon

Finnerty also writes that: "I have subsequently realized it was rather courageous of Attorney General Roy Cooper to announce the three young men as ‘innocent’ of all charges within the politically sensitive environment in which we now live."

Fiinnerty notes that the article in Raleigh Metro Magazine "was not only sensitive, but it, too, was courageous in that it ran directly in the face of the ‘media madness’ that was running amuck."

Finnerty concludes his letter by saying, "One year later, as I re-read the article, I enjoy it all the more, and it actually made me cry – once again."

To read the Kevin Finnerty’s complete, go to www.metronc.com and click on "Correspondence."

Established in 1999, Metro Magazine is a four-color city/regional publication serving Raleigh, the Research Triangle and Eastern North Carolina with a circulation of 40,000.

Metro Magazine
Kim Weiss
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