Servant Leadership: The Johnson Leadership Group Responds to America's Perfect Storm

America's societal ills have collided with the coronavirus causing us to rethink our individual and collective styles of leadership. Let's talk it out.

Clarksville, MD, June 04, 2020 --( A new decade and a new year brought unprecedented despair to the United States of America. The unanticipated COVID-19 pandemic has crossed paths with a well documented, yet often unaddressed, societal ill: Police brutality. This perfect storm, resulting in over 104,000 COVID19-related deaths, widespread store closures, stay-at-home orders, record unemployment, some interactions with police officers, has the world watching and wondering what is going on. These, and other prevailing issues, result in a plethora of questions about leadership - what works and what does not work?

Leadership with a Servant’s Heart: Leading through Personal Relationships (2019), by author Kevin Wayne Johnson, is an independently published best-seller whose target audiences include both the general and Christian marketplaces. Well respected by several key decision makers in the publishing industry, in 2020, Leadership with a Servant’s Heart has earned four literary awards to include: (1) Readers View Reviewers Choice Awards, First Place, (2) Christian Indie Publishers Association Award, Business/Finance, (3) Human Relations Indie Awards, Leadership Human Relations, Gold Winner, and (4) eLit Award (Digital Publishing Excellence), Silver Award, Business/Career/Sales, from The Jenkins Group. Leadership with A Servant’s Heart equips leaders at the front-line, mid-level and senior-level of small, medium and large organizations, including churches, with practical and proven leadership principles and strategies to create a new and dynamic cadre of leaders. The goal is to teach, coach, mentor and share the concepts of leading others by valuing and caring for them. Leaders learn: (a) Part I - The Key to Servant Leadership: Serving Others (b) Part II - The Goal of Servant Leadership: Inspiring Others and (c) Part III - The Result of Servant Leadership: Leading Others.

About the Author:
As Founder and Chief Executive of The Johnson Leadership Group, Kevin provides organizations, and the people who work within them, with the tools to forge effective personnel and interpersonal communication. He delivers training on the elements of dynamic relationships, to equip teams with the attitudes and attributes needed to develop individuals into leaders. He does so through motivating workshops, seminars, insightful keynote speeches and compassionate coaching – all to encourage personal and professional growth. He is a John Maxwell Team certified trainer, coach, mentor and speaker, and an active member of the International Coach Federation. Kevin enjoyed a 34-year career (retired) in government and private industry as a middle-to-senior level leader. A native of Richmond, Virginia, he earned a B.S. in Business Administration and Management / Economics / Finance from Virginia Commonwealth University. Kevin is an ordained minister by the Church of God Ministries, Incorporated, Anderson, IN, and has held multiple leadership positions at the local, regional, national and international levels, including Senior Pastor. He currently lives in Clarksville, Maryland, with his wife Gail and three sons.
The Johnson Leadership Group LLC
Kevin Wayne Johnson