AOCC Elects a New Metropolitan Archbishop - Cyril Mark
A synod meeting May 20, 2020 by Archbishop Mar Dawad Vicar General of AOCC, initiated the Metropolitan election; Archbishop Cyril Mark was elected and the only nominee. Vicar General ascertained readiness. AOCC is now the descendant of ECOCW, the blood descendant of the American Orthodox Catholic Church charted in 1927, Metropolitan Platon Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh, Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church NA.
Tallahassee, FL, June 18, 2020 --( A Special Meeting of the ŒCOCW/OCOC Holy Synod met on 2/19/2020 wherein the Metropolitan Scholarios-Gennadius III retirement was announced 2/14/2020 and he was made Metropolitan Emeritus in the same meeting. In this referenced meeting, the name "ŒCOCW/OCOC" was changed to Ancient Orthodox Catholic Church (AOCC). Which is now the descendant of the "ŒCOCW/OCOC" which is the direct descendant of the American Orthodox Catholic Church chartered in 1927 by Metropolitan Platon and later led by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of Brooklyn, New York and eventually recognized as the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America. Per the AOCC Canons, the Vicar General was directed to convene the Election of the New Metropolitan.
St Agape Orthodox Church
Bishop Anthony Webster
Bishop Anthony Webster
