Twists - Faces of Earth: Tales of an English Boy Raised in an Underdeveloped Country

Tom is born in Liverpool, England. He is raised in an unknown region. Tom writes about how the world stares casually at ill-favoured countries. It becomes illusion that never ceases to numb his brains. Affluent and wealthy people watch. Some help others are unaware, but the problems are, very large in scope and scale that any aid they give is like a drop in the ocean. By Prof. Jeff Akvama PhD.,M.D.

Twists - Faces of Earth: Tales of an English Boy Raised in an Underdeveloped Country
Los Angeles, CA, April 19, 2008 --( Tom tries to find solutions to the problems in which, a structured community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, customary beliefs, and the ability to guide, direct, and influence people each other positively, face a state of not having enough money to take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing. Tom feels that the problems make citizens abominable, extremely repugnant and offensive. Tom observes that they experience severe shortage of food and health care problems, leaving people in complete hopelessness.

Tom notices that people are, resistant to anxieties, apprehensions, or anticipations of danger. The inhabitants show no signs of fear or death because, they have seen enough of extreme acts of atrocities . Tom is curious about how human beings can establish self-assurance, belief and ability to succeed which, are, the starting points of society building, with high level of cultural and social organization.

Tom is born in England, Liverpool, but he is raised in an unknown region in a developing world during the colonial era. After his colonial life Tom, passes through twists and spirals in life. However, he overcomes every vicissitude and he eventually becomes part of their society. He tries to understand the teething problems of the semi structured community of people.

Tom experiences how the world stares casually at ill-favoured nations. It becomes illusion that never ceases to numb his brains.

He travels to a region with scorching sun. The region is harsh, merciless and dry. He also sees regions rising and falling, and nations disappearing due to inconveniences in existence in the physical world; the quality that makes living animals and plants survive. The citizens are unable to adapt to the environment and grow crops. Many of them cease to be alive.

Growing up in the unknown region, Tom sees that the residents have, minimum standard of living however, they spend their life’s happily and good-humouredly, in a particular way and under particular circumstances.
The inhabitants suddenly become conscious of new and creative forms of everyday’s lifestyle. They begin to copy Tom’s Western lifestyle. To achieve a better life-style, they pass through insurmountable vicissitudes. Many fail to succeed and many of them die on sea and land ,trying. Others are left somewhere with no means of getting away. They are kidnapped into prostitution.

Affluent and wealthy people watch. Some help others are unaware, but the problems are, very large in scope and scale that any aid they give is like a drop in the ocean.

After the Second World War, the whole world is divided into First, Second, Third and Fourth Worlds because of another silent war, the Cold War, between America and Russia. The First and the Third Worlds eventually remain, a feature or characteristic that shows that the Developed World is, privileged. Rest of the world merely exist and doing no more than what is described.

Tom does not know any facts about his birthplace, England, hence, his father tells him about the well developed infrastructure. Tom is mesmerized and speculates why they are not living in England instead of their present environment.

However, Tom continues to be in the same place, condition, and region to help the inhabitants. He develops a concept that, by accepting human groups as they are, and helping them to cultivate long-term resources for technological, economical progress, sustainability and self-confidence, countries can improve on their infrastructure and alleviate poverty crises and diseases. Otherwise, .it would demonstrate that, the correct basis for morality is, self-interest.

Tom knows that his westernized lifestyle is not a common practice in the region. His emotions and passions run high. He speculates, if, the discrepancy is the work of Mother Nature or the Human Race. However, he uses his mind to consider ideas and make judgments that educating people in considerable number of things, for instance, academically or in sports, may, give, knowledge of a particular subject, area, or situationand, may, better the way of life characteristic of a particular person, group, or culture.

Tom experiences that, the offering of money or other incentives to persuade somebody to do something, especially something dishonest or illegal and dishonest, exploitation of power for personal gain are, the lifestyles in many regions. These, disrupt development, as well as inefficiencies of governments to administer and manage their own regions. Tom evidences that superstitious beliefs disrupt the countries’ developments and, play dominant part to interrupt the usual course of process and activity of human progress and changes.

Tom and his father travel to a far away region where, they see dying people because of hunger due to wars. Tom builds a structure, a building that provides cover from weather and protection against danger, a new beginning for the people who are barely alive. He does not give economical aid, costing relatively little, in the same a group of people within a society who share the same social and economic status, and helps them to help themselves. In togetherness, they build a community for the citizens and to the citizens. Their conditions eventually improve. He leaves the people to continue the good work in the hands of a mother, Jenin and her now recuperate daughter, Mercy.

People begin to move from other regions and countries to the new established region, to seek work and other economic opportunities. They are fearless of the harsh conditions they have to travel through to reach the village which, Tom, names Hope City.

The emigrants, solely men, evidencing the hard work, involving a great deal of mental physical effort and exertion by exertion the women, learn something. They become for the first time, followers of feminism and, the belief in the need to secure rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men, and a commitment to securing these in the belief in the principles of opportunities and rights of women. The men did not cherish women before. They had the concept that, women were born to give birth, the origin, beginning, and formation of inheritance, and to take care of the household.

Tom is born in Liverpool, but travels in 1942 to a colonial settlement with his parents, in an unknown country, as a toddler. His father is well educated.. The father helps the citizens in many ways to be successful and works hard to create equal education to all. Tom’s mother was Danish. She dies delivering a baby during an earthquake.

To help others to be successful in life, Tom’s father, with his comprehensive strategy of missionary vision, works very hard for the residents to possess equal education as his children because, he sees it as the most effective weapon to drive economic growth anywhere on earth. He also knows that, if one learns, everybody learn.

His father remarries an Asian. Altogether, there are five siblings. Tom attends British Missionary assisted primary and secondary schools in the region. He continues his further education in England . After the Second World War, students from all over the world travel to receive further education in Great Britain. To a number of nations, Britain in 1950s is, a home of education and opportunities.

Tom, sailing in April 1950s to England, brings, him remarkable and unforgettable memories as well as his near death experience. He enjoys meeting other students in the ship. His best friend he meets in the ship is Adebayu.

In the ship, he learns about the past events of a period in time, of peoples, institutions, places in Liverpool and the town’s activities in 1700s. His sailing takes him to Liverpool. He finds various people from various nations, such as Chinese, Swiss, Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, and many more from many nations, enjoying themselves at the harbour and in the city. His uncle meets him at the harbour and accommodates him.

He enters into Medical School, the University of London. He meets other students from other parts of the world who are also studying medicine. He befriends a female student, Dorothy, who tells him to construct his life conscientiously. He learns all about university education in Britain and in Scotland.

He becomes an important psychiatrist and a famous scientist. His patients adore him as he adores them. He cures his friend Dorothy from an incurable brain tumour. Tom and Dorothy like each other’s company. They often journey to Strafford on Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, to relax. Tom impregnates Dorothy, who, gives birth to a daughter, Ann.

One day, Tom rescues a girl at Euston station in London, who, wants to commit suicide. Tom rescues her without knowing she is, Ann, his own daughter. Tom finds out later from Dorothy who, explains everything to him. Father and daughter Ann, unite.

Ann suddenly travels to Paris. She really needs to spend some time away from England after graduating from her law school. Ann accidentally meets John, a medical student from Africa, on the streets of Paris. John’s father is Adebayu, a good friend of Ann’s father. They sailed together to Liverpool in 1950s.

Ann, under mysterious circumstances, suddenly, travels to Switzerland. John does not know Ann’s whereabouts but, happens to hear from Ann’s Hotel receptionist that she is dead. John, contacts Ann’s father Tom in England who, is sceptical of his daughter’s death. Tom travels to Paris and finds out that Ann is alive. Tom does not find Ann, his daughter, but maintains that the corpse is not Ann’s. It is a misinterpretation and mistaken identity from the side of the authorities, an unfortunate coincidence, surprisingly, unusual and exceptional happening. However, Ann is nowhere to find in Paris because, she suddenly travels to Switzerland.

Before travelling to England, Tom helps the villagers including Jenin and her daughter Mercy, from sudden death because, of famine, hunger, poverty and tribal wars. Mercy takes over the village when Tom departs from them. She administers the village economy and takes care of everyone irrespective of tribe.

Ann is in Switzerland, She begins a new life and stays with an old Polish woman in Zurich. Ann visits many towns and cities in Switzerland and learns about past events of a period in time of the country. She finally travels to Geneva where she coincidentally meets Mercy, the little girl who nearly died because of hunger and tribal wars in Africa.

Mercy and her mother Jenin, pass through many difficulties in Africa. Tom has helped them to build a community- Hope City. They travel to the United States of America in pursue of education. The mother Jenin, receives a degree in political science and Mercy receives a degree in law. The American dream, they find, is not just an idea or hope that is impractical or unlikely ever to be realized, but the totality of real things in the world, independent of people's knowledge or perception of them.

Jenin, the mother, travels back to Africa and becomes the political leader, the head of the community in progress, legislative body and administrator of Tom’s community in Africa. Mercy, the daughter ,travels to the United Kingdom for further education in International Law, and, is, now employed by the United Nations.

Mercy, Tom’s saviour and rescuer in an unknown region, accidentally meets Ann, Tom’s daughter in Geneva, Switzerland. Ann and Mercy become very good friends although, they do not know each other. Ann and Mercy travel to Zurich. Mercy is allowed to stay in the same apartment with Ann by the old Polish woman Mrs Warinka. She owned the apartment. Unfortunately, the old woman later dies of heart failure. Ann inherits huge fortune of wealth and many enterprises.

Mercy keeps on with her international work at the United Nations in Geneva. Ann keeps the organized business activities aimed specifically at growth. Profit. She marries John, Adebayu's son from Paris, who is now a surgeon.

Tom travels to South America during his holidays .He experiences the way of life in the Americas. He is very little pleased with their development, of a gradual kind, toward achieving their goal or reaching a higher standard. He returns to England with the idea to visit his father in the unknown region. He has not seen him in many years. He is very excited to visit the community he built-Hope City, and to see how much they have improved and visit Jenin.

Tom travels to the unknown city and meets his father. The father is, old but in good health. It is a pleasant re-union. Tom visits Hope City, and sees the wealthy and technologically advanced city, with sophisticated manufacturing and service industries. He sees a prominent city with an infrastructure equal to none. He is convinced that, the developing countries, if it is well administered, can rid the nation of poverty. He returns to his father with the hope to revisit Hope City.
Tom dreams one afternoon about an old man, albino, who wants to travel to Australia. It is an eccentric and unconventional sort of a dream. Tom is inquisitive and travels to Australia. Tom observes prejudices, animosities and atrocities in our modern world. By word of mouth, Tom narrates about Greece as the origin of slavery and which ,he feels, inspired Europe to trade in slaves in Africa and elsewhere.

Tom feels that, the origin of slavery in Greece is the beginning of racism. Tom tells stories about the origin of the white race. He narrates that the white race is albino mutants originating from Africa. He is astonished that other races form a conjecture on the basis of incomplete facts or information of their origin. Tom, is convinced that, the human race is discriminating against the very great grandfathers who gave birth to them.

Ann and John have marital problems in Switzerland but they are back on friendly terms. Ann often visits her father.

Tom does not return to his medical practice in England. He marries a Swedish woman and starts a Non Governmental Organization. Together, they help the people in the unknown region as well as citizens in Hope City. The city develops into an independent nation.

Jeff Akvama
+47 75752075
A book written by Jeff Reynolds/Jeff Akvama
Author of Triangle Within A Circle
Bjerkliveien 7