Autism Teleseminar Provides Coping Strategies for Parents During National Autism Awareness Month

National autism teleseminar provides parents with coping strategies and proven techniques to maintain a healthy, emotional outlook. It will be held on Wednesday, April 30 from 8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. ET. For information, visit or call (866) 372-9421.

New York, NY, April 22, 2008 --( Your Autism Coach will conduct a national, interactive teleseminar for parents on Wednesday, April 30 from 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.ET. A diagnosis of autism is heartbreaking for parents, who have to struggle to find appropriate educational programs and therapeutic services, and also deal with the personal and family consequences of having an autistic child. Success Strategies: Living Your Life While Raising An Autistic Or Special Needs Child is designed to give parents coping strategies and proven techniques to maintain a healthy, emotional outlook. The teleseminar fee is $20. Parents can call (866) 372-9421 for information or register online at

No parent ever plans to have a child with a disability. But when faced with this unexpected situation, parents experience a “roller coaster” of emotional reactions. Teleseminar topics include: 1) a child’s diagnosis and its lasting effects on your life and family 2) the different stages parents go through while coming to terms with the diagnosis 3) improving family relationships 4) taking care of your special needs child and 5) finding a balance between work and home.

A study by the Centers for Disease Control estimated that 1 in 150 children is on the autism spectrum. The numbers are expected to increase significantly over the next few years as more children are evaluated and identified as being autistic.

Parent Success Strategies

According to Your Autism Coach, parents should consider applying these tips:

· Avoid isolation. Always remember, you are not alone. Your friends and family care about you. Ask for help and seek professional support, if appropriate. It’s not your fault that your child has a disability; there is nothing to be ashamed of. And don’t worry about what other people think.

· Separate the diagnosis from the child. Raising a child with a disability does alter your life. However, it shouldn’t change the love you have for your child and the strong bond that naturally develops over time. Don’t allow the disability to be the focus of your relationship.

· Make yourself a priority. Eat properly, get rest and exercise regularly. You might want to explore meditation or other relaxation techniques. Good health is key to your emotional and physical well-being.

· Advocate for your child. Partner with teachers, therapists, physicians and other professionals to create the best program for your child. Keep up-to-date on the latest research, services and programs. Attend educational conferences and seminars. Network with other parents.

Your Autism Coach provides a comprehensive program of personalized guidance and support for parents and caregivers of autistic and special needs children. The company is committed to providing excellent coaching services that address the issues and concerns of parents of autistic and special needs children.

Your Autism Coach
Deanna Picon