Live Invention Workshop in Tampa, May 17, 2008 Shows How to License or Sell Product Ideas to Companies for Royalties

Tampa, FL, April 24, 2008 --( Product Coach Matt Yubas plus Patent and Licensing Attorney Mark Malek are hosting a workshop to help everyday inventors succeed in presenting product ideas to companies for royalties. Matt Yubas (, author of Product Idea to Product Success, will provide the step-by-step licensing process from idea to receiving royalties.

Mr. Malek, an attorney with the firm Zies, Widerman, Sutch and Malek, PL, will show how to protect ideas, the patent process, and go over the fine points of licensing terms and agreements.

“Companies are looking for new product ideas to stay competitive. The trick for an inventor who wants to license their idea, is knowing the proper process to approach companies and negotiate a deal,” Yubas says.

This workshop will take place on Saturday, May 17, 2008 in Tampa, Florida. There will be a morning and afternoon workshop.

Seating is limited. To register, or for more information, please visit:

Title: Live Licensing Workshop
Place: Tampa, Florida
Date: May 17, 2008
Fee: $79 before April 30, $129 before May 17, $159 at the door.

Contact Information
Matt Yubas, (858) 233-9639
Source: Product Coach
Web site:

Matt Yubas Consulting
Matt Yubas