IT Research and Services Company, MaxTunity, Launches New Business Driven IT Services to Maximize Technology Opportunity

MaxTunity, a vendor independent IT research and services company, have launched a range of services to assist organizations in maximizing technology opportunity.

Birmingham, United Kingdom, April 26, 2008 --( Many organizations are struggling to effectively manage their existing IT infrastructure and the changes required to keep up with business needs. The explosion of data also compounds the problem - IDC ( estimate that digital information will grow six fold over the four years to 2010 and that “information workers” spend;

14.5 hours per week reading and answering email
13.3 hours per week creating documents
9.6 hours per week searching for information
9.5 hours per week analyzing information

IDC also estimates that an organization employing up to 1,000 knowledge workers loses $5.7 million annually just in time wasted having to reformat information as they move among applications. Not finding information costs that same organization an additional $5.3 million a year.

Focusing on innovative technologies, such as semantic and collaborative applications, may have the potential to address these inefficiencies and radically change the business economics. By reducing email clutter, partially automating document creation and making searches more effective, information workers are left with more time to perform analysis work which may be more valuable to the organization. Analysis work itself can also be speeded up by deploying low cost user tools such as Enterprise Mashups to access and manipulate distributed information.

Management and users need to consider areas such as;

CEO / CFO / Senior Executives
Is the technology investment aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization?
Is the organization following best practices and peer competitive?
Is there a better, quicker, cheaper way?

CIO / IT Director / IT Manager
Can the IT budget be better utilized to meet management and user needs?
What technology tools exist to abstract complexity and get business & technical agility?
How does the company move from an operational to strategic IT outlook aligned with business needs?

'Line of Business' Managers / Users
How can end users get access to key information quickly?
How can end uses achieve better collaboration across various departments?
How can end users effectively capture and disseminate knowledge throughout the organization?

The new business driven services supplied by MaxTunity are focused entirely on addressing questions, such as the above, to attain technology ROI for clients. The services also encourage the use of a low risk change management approach to satisfy project cost and timescale targets.

With the benefit of previous experience in taking a systems integration consultancy to flotation stage, Alan Glass, Director of MaxTunity said, “As we do not sell hardware or software, our research and services are geared towards helping clients reduce IT budget over a 3 to 4 year cycle, rather than increasing it. Whilst preserving legacy investment where possible, we also aim to cost effectively introduce elements of a modern, strategic IT architecture as a solid base for increased functionality and innovation.”

More details on the newly launched services are available at

About MaxTunity: MaxTunity are a privately funded, vendor independent IT research and services company based in the UK. MaxTunity’s aim is to maximize technology ROI for their clients worldwide. MaxTunity are based at a prominent Science Park which offers access to leading edge academic research and European networks.

Contact Information
Alan Glass, Director, MaxTunity,
Aston Science Park,
Faraday Wharf, Holt Street,
Birmingham, UK, B7 4BB
Phone: +44 121 260 6055
Fax: +44 121 260 6003

Alan Glass
+44 121 260 6055
Fax: +44 121 260 6003