Digital-Clay Will Make Its Enterprise Application Engine Available to Select Number of Academic Institutions

Digital-Clay Announces that it will make its Enterprise class Application Engine available to a select number of academic institutions as part of a new innovative business solutions course. The Digital-Clay platform will enable business students to create custom software solutions without coding thus giving them tools to design and create solutions that will optimize their future business environments.

Cupertino, CA, April 30, 2008 --( Digital-Clay, the leading provider of innovative codeless solution building platforms, announced the opening of a new and unique academic course. The course will be offered to a select number of academic institutions across the country and will use the Digital-Clay platform to teach future to be business managers and system analysts how to design and build custom software solutions without having to do any scripting or programming.

The course will provide students tools to design and build software solutions. These hands-on problem solving skills will complement the current case study teaching method. During the course the students will use the Digital-Clay platform to solve an actual problem for an existing organization. Interacting with actual customers will add an important aspect of customer interviewing and user scenario analysis to their experience and help them develop skills that are hard to learn in a typical classroom environment.

Tali Rejwan, President of Digital-Clay is the visionary behind this initiative. She reports that the new course which includes several case studies and an individual real-world project is producing much enthusiasm with the academics.

"When these students will be faced with real business challenges they will have the tools to understand how to develop and deploy the needed solutions. They will have firsthand experience creating such solutions themselves” said Mrs. Rejwan. “Many business students learn how to use spreadsheets in their studies. As they progress in their careers they continue using what they are familiar with. Although spreadsheets are good for some usage scenarios, being limited to a spreadsheet causes organizations to under perform in the long run. Digital-Clay will introduce theses students to a new way of creating fast solutions that are much more advanced then a simple spreadsheet yet do not require any technical skills to master. With Digital-Clay they can create top-notch solutions that can easily incorporate alerts, security, reporting, dashboards, charting, Outlook integration, business rules and many more features that until now were only available through robust enterprise solutions."

Digital-Clay is working closely with several leading universities on incorporating this course into both the Management and the Computing departments. Although taught using the Digital-Clay platform, the course can be applied to understanding traditional system deployment. The course allows students to experience all stages of developing an enterprise software solution in the scope of an academic course.

About Digital-Clay

Digital-Clay ( is the leading global provider of flexible software solutions that accommodate the needs of dynamic enterprises.

Digital-Clay specializes in providing flexible, scalable, and future-proof solutions that add dynamic functionality to rigid systems and ensure that enterprises can keep up with changes.

Since its founding in 2003, Digital-Clay has delivered a comprehensive range of solutions that empower every aspect of managing an organization.

Digital-Clay is led by a team of professionals with years of experience in data management and enterprise systems dedicated to delivering superior solutions and services.

Digital-Clay (USA)
Robert Katz