Learn to Leverage the SID: May 17th at the Telemanagement Forum in Nice

The move to IP-based services and delivery to customers has added to and reduced the complexity of a service provider’s total integration strategy across OSS/BSS systems. At the TM Forum’s Conference in Nice Pano Anthos of Pantero Corporation with explain how to use the SID in an SOA to accelerate OSS/BSS integration and time-to-market.

Boston, MA, March 24, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Trends toward the delivery of IP-based services (SoIP) and service bundles have increased the challenge of integration across OSS/BSS systems in what were previously stove-piped domains. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) promises to simplify this challenge by delivering a loose coupling across systems. However, a loose coupling of OSS/BSS systems in a SOA can be achieved only by using a common information model for data mediation across underlying systems.

The TM Forum’s SID model is ideally suited to enable loose coupling across systems in an SOA and to provide the level of abstraction required to achieve integration across operational silos. But the full value of the SID in a SOA can be realized only when SID-based data mediation services are deployed in a distributed services model, using the principles of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

The combination of a loose coupling of systems achieved through SID-based data mediation services with a fully distributed services model, offers service providers the opportunity to achieve what have previously been assumed to be incompatible objectives of flexibility and scalability in the build-out of their integration architectures.

Pantero’s Pano Anthos will demonstrate how Pantero Software is providing critical enabling technology to accelerate use of the SID to achieve rapid and effective data integration to support services delivered over the Internet (SoIP).

WHAT 60 minute Presentation at the TMF Conference

TOPIC Architectural considerations and case study experience related to leveraging the SID today for SOA-based OSS/BSS integration in a distributed services model, supporting the delivery of SoIP and bundled offerings.

WHO Pano Anthos, CEO, Pantero

WHEN May 17, 2006 10:45AM (local time)

WHERE Nice, France
Register by clicking the link at www.tmforum.org

April Duddy