Bernard A. Mersier Has Brought the Meaning of Romance Back to the World, with His Book Which Can be Found on
Bernard A. Mersier within a month created a poetry book containing 81 pages of poetry that is certified to have people across the world hormones racing ready to be intimate with his book "Recipes of satisfaction". Raynard Valentine comments: "After reading the first few lines of 'Show & Show,' I knew from there what the true meaning of all talk and no actions really meant."
Harper Woods, MI, May 08, 2008 --( Sitting at the computer one day reflecting on his life, Bernard Mersier decided to take his experiences along with various issues he solved in other peoples relationships, and he created his book.
Each page of his book takes you through different levels of sexual pleasure as well as inner self satisfaction knowing if your relationship is what you think it is or if it's a mirage.
Bernard Mersier says: "To me true sexual bliss is first stabilizing a foundation of trust first, after that learn your partners movements and behaviors and once you have that established, when you engage in the actual relations the outcome should be smoother then fresh churned butter."
"Recipes of satisfaction" can be found on, where Bernard Mersier says: ", is one of the best places to have your book published."
Each page of his book takes you through different levels of sexual pleasure as well as inner self satisfaction knowing if your relationship is what you think it is or if it's a mirage.
Bernard Mersier says: "To me true sexual bliss is first stabilizing a foundation of trust first, after that learn your partners movements and behaviors and once you have that established, when you engage in the actual relations the outcome should be smoother then fresh churned butter."
"Recipes of satisfaction" can be found on, where Bernard Mersier says: ", is one of the best places to have your book published."
Bernard Mersier
313-891-7343/ 313-884-7978
Bernard Mersier
313-891-7343/ 313-884-7978
