A Unique Publishing Company Called Rigo Publishing Has Entered the Market

We publish poetry work of heaven sent poets.

McKinney, TX, March 25, 2006 --(PR.com)-- John J. Rigo a co-owner of an insurance casuality business of twenty-two years recently announced the forming of his new publishing company called "Rigo publishing Company" out of McKinney, Texas, which is currently rated as the fourth largest fastest growing city in the United States.  Mr. Rigo became empowered recently after a two year research project in seeking a publishing company for his recently written two poetry books.

Even though Mr. Rigo's manuscripts were immediately accepted for publication on the very first two companies he submitted his manuscripts to, he elected to go the "on demand self-publishing route." There were many reasons for this remarked Mr. Rigo.  Since the books were published with a desire for all the profits above the actual production costs to be earmarked to assist charity-driven projects and programs in Collin County, Texas to assist the poor, the homeless and the infirm, Mr. Rigo elected the "self-publishing route" because of the greater profits available for charity, control of the content of material, and being able to maintain all the rights to his work.  After a year of self-learning formatting and various aspects of the promotion necessary in the self-publishing business, Mr. Rigo published his two poetry books and the end of 2005, called "Roses Amidst Thorns" and Book II of the Amidst Series, "Rainbows Amidst Rainbows."

"The books represented a twenty year journey in my personal poetry writing and has done well to date," remarked the owner of Rigo Publishing, John J. Rigo. While posting a notice of his poetry books on a new major web site in McKinney announing the sale of my poetry books, the owner of the site, "McKinney Life.com" remarked that he enjoyed the work of a poet who he personally knew who died in an automobile accident at age 22.  He then directed Mr. Rigo to a site where this young lady's work was posted to over four hundred poems.  Mr. Rigo found the work awesome and that is when he came up with this idea.  The idea was to print without costs to family and friends poetry books of authors who had passed on without their work ever being published.  The wonderful part of this unique approach of Mr. Ringo's Publishing company is to render the family and friends a form of memorial of the individual, while at the same time giving poetry to the world that would end up lost without the availability of this publishing program.

He basically makes his costs back in becoming an owner of the percentage of the rights of these submitted books and share in their possible success in their futures as sought out books of poetry in the market place.  It is a win-win for the families and for poetry lovers who normally would not have the opportunity to see or even own these works.  Mr. Rigo can be contacted through his e-mail address: internationalpoet@msn.com or his website: http://www.rigopublishing.com for additional information.  His charity driven poetry work can be order thru his direct link at: http://www.lulu/texaspoet .

Rigo Publishing Company
John J. Rigo
Office: 9725425561