New Book Explains How Devotional Hindus Connect to God

Mukul Shri Goel, PhD, published by iUniverse, Inc., the leading provider of publishing technology solutions for authors, announced today the release of Devotional Hinduism: Creating Impressions for God.

Kota, India, May 03, 2008 --( From the first moment we utter a name of God with a wish to reach him, we trigger our spiritual evolution. As we eventually reach the peak of spirituality, we no longer desire liberation but aspire to love God forever. How does this self-growth occur in the devotional stream? How do our professional decisions, spiritual likings, and interactions with our environment influence our refuge in God? Mukul Shri Goel, PhD answers these questions in Devotional Hinduism: Creating Impressions for God.

Devotional Hinduism perceives the path of surrender as the continual formation of karmic impressions for God in our mind so that we may eventually be blessed with pure love to realize our eternal relationship with him. It is a journey to a new reality where God is the “real doer” who continually guides us towards himself. “Because countless ways exist to reach the Divine, who is beyond thoughts, the wisest choice would be to begin somewhere, surrender our spiritual preferences to God, and let God take care of our reaching him,” says Goel.

While explicating Hindu beliefs, techniques for remembering the Personal God, and our relationship with Nature, Devotional Hinduism offers tips to college students and employees seeking to incorporate Eastern wisdom in their professional lives. This original presentation of Hindu spirituality, knowledge from the Gita, and commonly circulated thoughts from the Bhakti Saints also shares the author’s personal beliefs.

About the Author
Mukul S. Goel was initially trained as a chemical engineer at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Having obtained a PhD for his cardiovascular research at the University of Pennsylvania, he selected a career in spiritual writing and music to follow his inner interests. He holds a Bachelor’s degree (Sangit Prabhakar) in Indian classical music and has been independently studying spiritual classics. He currently lives in India.

Devotional Hinduism: Creating Impressions for God
Author: Mukul Shri Goel, PhD
ISBN: 0-595-50524-1/ 126 Pages / 6” x 9”/ $ 13.95
Religion & Spirituality/ iUniverse, Inc.
Trade Paperback/ Apr-2008/ On Demand Printing
Available at iUniverse and Barnes & Noble.

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Media Contact: M. S. Goel Email: mukulwriter[AT]

Mukul Goel
+91 7442437365