New Author: Joanne Augello Writes Two Books of Poems. First One Oct 2007 and Second One April 2008.

Joanne Augello has one book that was finished in Oct 2007 called Emotional Feelings which was done with red lead press. It will be out by mid May of this year. The print is being made bigger. Joannes' second book that she did herself with is called Even Love Hurts. This book is out already and can be purchased through Both books will be with Also with stores, if they want it.

Boston, MA, May 03, 2008 --( Joanne Augello is a new author who has written two books of poems. She was born in Savoy MA and moved to Adams MA when she was six years old. The books consist of all kinds of emotional feelings. Sad, happy, love, funny and much much more. She has been writing poems since 2004 and just finished her second book. Her first book is with red lead press which is a part of Dorrance Publishing Co. and is being corrected because print is too small. That book should be out by mid May. This book is called (Emotional Feelings) consists of 102 pages.

Joannes' second book she published herself through and is already done. This book can be bought at The book is going through channels and should be out within eight weeks. This book is called (Even Love Hurts) this book consist of 91 pages.

Both books will be listed with and barnes& and others. It will also be in stores who wish to sell it. Also will carry Emotional Feelings. Anyone who would like to write to her for more information about the book can email at ( Joanne will write back to all and send a picture of her books in an email. She also has the book Even Love Hurts at Papyri Book Store in North Adams on Eagle Street. Joanne is also writing children's short stories, which consist of five little stories in a book. So far she has three almost done, just waiting for someone to do pictures for her. She is not sure how many books there will be in a series except it will be anywhere from five to ten books. The first one should start coming out by the end of the year.

Joanne Augello