Dental Practice Management Exhausts Dentists

The majority of dentists have felt burnt out and exhausted with dentistry at some point in their dental careers, according to a recent Wealthy Dentist survey.

San Francisco, CA, May 05, 2008 --( Dentists may enjoy their jobs, but practicing dentistry often exhausts them. Four out of five dentists have felt burnt out professionally in a recent survey by internet dental marketing resource The Wealthy Dentist.

Dentists offered colleagues tips on how to avoid becoming overwhelmed with stress. Working only four days a week was a top suggestion, along with taking long lunch breaks and regular vacations. "Don't work too many hours, have hobbies, and get rid of people in the office who drag you down," advised a Canada dentist.

Dental practice management can be difficult, particularly for doctors who aren't business savvy. Some dentists contract this work out to dental consultants or other professionals. "The business side can get heavy. Good coaching can help," said a Virginia dentist.

Dental continuing education is one way that dentists can keep themselves engaged and motivated. "Taking CE classes to learn and improve techniques rejuvenates my practice and keeps me fresh," raved an Illinois dentist.

As with any career, maintaining one's personal life is critical to countering professional burnout. "Have a life outside of dentistry," recommended a New York dentist. "I have learned that it is necessary for me to schedule time to participate in activities that do not involve dentistry," agreed a Texas orthodontist.

When all else fails, burnout might indicate that it's time to take a break. "Sometimes the very best first step is to sell the practice, take a year off, relax, think, and plan new strategies," offered a dental implant dentist.

Dentistry offers unique stresses. "I don't think any other medical specialty deals so much with the 'mental' aspect of patient care," said an Iowa periodontist. "Burnout to me is mainly the result of the negative light in which most people view the dental office experience. No matter how hard I try. there is no cure for that problem," sighed a Massachusetts dentist.

One California dentist shared a sad tale of being unable to avoid stress. "My sixties have found me tired and beset by medical issues, but I find it almost impossible to earn a living unless I work more than I did in my fifties. I don't know if I can afford to retire. Stress is killing me; I just had cancer, and still have it, and my docs say avoid stress - hah!"

"We all get burnt out sometimes, but dentists are especially at risk," said Jim Du Molin, dental marketing guru and founder of dental website The Wealthy Dentist. "It's a demanding profession. If dentists aren't careful, their careers can dominate their entire lives."

Visit to learn more about The Wealthy Dentist's surveys in the areas of dental implants, sedation dentistry, wisdom teeth, braces, and dentures. Jim Du Molin offers a free weekly newsletter on marketing with dental websites.


The Wealthy Dentist
Jim Du Molin