Ann Holman Launches Small Business Blog

Ann Holman MD of Clarity Projects buckled under pressure from her clients recently and has set up a blog. Ann's blog joins the already 450 million blogs currently on the internet and with an estimated 80 000 blogs being added every day it's an interesting challenge.

Exeter, United Kingdom, May 16, 2008 --( The aim of the blog is for Ann to communicate her ideas, thoughts and the likely future trends for small businesses. Already a renowned, inspirational seminar speaker, she has a reputation for stimulating debate on the key issues affecting business and encouraging people to think differently. The blog has been developed to support her thinking and encourage small business people to participate in the discussions.

Ann commented "I've been frustrated for a while. I have lots of ideas that sometimes are not communicated in the workshops I present nor the e-books I publish. Indeed, its often from my seminars I get more ideas about ways of doing things differently or reinforcing successful tactics. It's important for me to engage with the small business community and the blog is an ideal way to do that."

Blogging is set to become an even more popular avenue for business people to communicate by debating critical issues that affect small business and sharing ideas and thoughts. Whilst small business leaders are yet to catch onto blogging in a significant way, the next year will see contributions and participation grow at a huge rate.

Ann Holman recommends the blogs of Tom Peters, Seth Godin, Chris Anderson and Mike Southon. She adds "These people are leaders in their field. There is no one better in the world today at setting the agenda for marketing than Seth Godin. If people want to learn how to do marketing better, then just log on to his blog once a week and read his latest rant."

To visit Ann's blog just type Ann Holman's Blog into your search engine. The blog will have an RSS feed so people can keep in touch with every post Ann makes.

Clarity Projects is a dynamic inspirational training business based in the UK. The company works with small and medium sized businesses helping them to grow, become more profitable and sustainable. Clarity Projects also supports high growth starts up and works in partnership with universities, chambers and business support agencies developing bespoke, training projects. For more information go to Clarity Projects website.

Contact Ann Holman on +440845 2245 742 or email

Clarity Projects
Ann Holman
+440845 2245 742
Mobile number 07739 695560