Buitrago Cigars, a Wholesale Distributor of Premium Cigars, Introduces a Monthly Cigar Club Subscription

Buitrago Cigars, a Wholesale Distributor of Premium Cigars, Introduces a Monthly Cigar Club Subscription
Miami, FL, November 24, 2021 --(PR.com)-- Buitrago Cigars is excited to announce its monthly cigar subscription service. As you know, their company is a wholesale distributor of cigars. They have a large selection of premium cigars. The online cigar store is the best place to buy authentic premium cigars. Their cigars are high-quality, and they are affordable. Buitrago is committed to giving customers a great shopping experience. They want you to be happy with their customer service.

Buitrago Cigars wants to pass on savings to you. They have a long history of selling cigars at competitive prices to its happy customers. The Cigar store is a one-stop shop for cigar lovers. They know that smoking a cigar is always a special experience. Most cigar smokers have fond memories of smoking their first cigar. They want you to look forward to your monthly cigar package from their store. The subscription is $29. The shipping is $3.99. Everything that you need for your cigars comes with your cigar subscription. A cigar cutter will be included with your purchase. Some packages will include a lighter. Your package may include other special gifts. You can look forward to secure shipping.

Many new cigar smokers do not know the importance of purchasing cigars from a cigar store. Most supermarkets do not have fresh cigars. We are cigar connoisseurs, and we know that the freshest cigars are not sold in supermarkets. Our cigar store has the appliances that are necessary to keep cigars fresh. Our cigars are always stored at a temperature that will ensure freshness.

With a cigar subscription, you can try new brands and flavors every month. Become a member of their cigar club. They will send you your favorites, and can send you cigars that may encourage you to try something new. Cigar club members can receive rare cigars from exotic locations. Their high-quality cigars are from globally well-known brands. Their customer service representatives want to have a personal relationship with clients. You will notice the extra care that goes into each package. Give yourself a nice gift every month.

Buitrago Cigars always have a fresh inventory of premium brands. Their detailed discovery process will match you with cigars that are ideal for you. They know what notes customers want in a cigar. Experts will review your preferences. They can curate a selection that is personalized for you. The monthly selections will match the cigar profiles that you have chosen. Your order will be picked, packaged and shipped in a timely manner. The company will continue to offer you a convenient way to purchase your favorite cigars. Start using the subscription cigar service today.

Buitrago Cigars is a nationwide wholesale distributor and retailer of premium cigars, we carry all major brands of handmade cigars and machine brands like Arturo Fuente Cigars, Swisher Sweets Cigars, Backwoods Cigars and much more. We are based in Miami, FL and ship most orders via UPS.
Buitrago Cigars
Martin Buitrago