West Memphis Three Awareness Benefits in Topeka Kansas

Thursday May 29th - Public screening of HBO documentaries Paradise Lost 1 & 2 - This event is free and all-ages. Friday May 30th - West Memphis Three Benefit Concert - This event costs $5 admission and is all-ages, all proceeds go to the Damien Echols/West Memphis Three Defense Fund. Contact information: For interviews, details etc. contact Brian McGuire at 785-220-3448, brian_damage@embarqmail.com, or Bob Cutler at 785-817-2757, bobscutler@gmail.com, Website: http://www.myspace.com/topekawm3

Topeka, KS, May 27, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Local Musicians Band Together To Save Man On Death Row.

A local fund-raising benefit for the Damien Echols/West Memphis Three Defense Fund.

Two Night Event in Topeka Kansas – HBO Documentary Screening and Benefit Concert.

Free Screening of the HBO documentaries Paradise Lost I & II.

A West Memphis Three Awareness Benefit Concert.

Thursday May 29, 2008 beginning at 7:00pm there will be a free screening of the HBO documentaries Paradise Lost – The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills and Paradise Lost II – Revelations at Lazio’s Coffee Bar and Roasterie, 2111 SW Belle Topeka, KS.

The screening will also include updated footage not shown in the documentaries.

This event is All-ages and is taking place in order to educate the local public on the 1993 murder case and convictions of the men who have become known as the West Memphis Three.

Friday May 30, 2008 beginning at 8:00pm there will be a fund-raising concert at The Boobie Trap.

1417 SW 6th Topeka KS

This is an All–ages event. Admission is $5. All proceeds will go to the Damien Echols/West Memphis Three Defense Fund.

This is being done to help raise funds for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley’s defense i.e. legal fees and cost of court admission of DNA tests.

Bands that will be performing are; Mirror Image, The Runaway Sons, The KLSTRFX, The Electronycs and Fates Design.

In recent months a 1993 murder case and it’s resulting arrests, trial and convictions has re-emerged into the National spotlight. It has been covered by media sources such as CNN, Time and People magazines, ABC World News, Larry King Live, both the New York and Los Angeles Times and even the BBC.

Why the sudden interest in a 15 year old case? Because DNA evidence that wasn’t available at the time can prove that the three young men, who were then teenagers, are innocent of the crime of which they were convicted (the gruesome murders of three eight year old boys).

In the summer of 1993, shortly after the bodies of three boys were found in a drainage ditch in an area of West Memphis Arkansas known as Robin Hood Hills, the police assured the public that the three teenagers in custody were definitely responsible for this horrible crime.

Despite a complete lack of physical evidence, motive or connection to the victims the three teens were convicted based on an error-filled coerced confession from a mentally handicapped teen. The prosecution created a motive of a Satanic ritual, in spite of the fact that the evidence was contrary. The teenagers were targeted based on their appearance, their musical tastes (notably Metallica) and because they stood out in their small-town community. Their poverty and individuality condemned them.

Jason Baldwin received life without possibility of parole, Jessie Misskelley received life plus forty years and Damien Echols (at 18, the oldest of the three) received a sentence of death by lethal injection. More information can be found at http://www.wm3.org.

The case has been heatedly debated over the years and during that time it has become a cause celebre. They have even begun to receive the support of parents of the victims. John Mark Byers, step-father of victim Christopher Byers, who was once their most vocal opponent has become one of their most vocal supporters. Recently there was a rally of hundreds of supporters at the Arkansas State Capital demanding a new trial.

"This could have easily happened to me, it could easily happen to any of the "Alternative" kids anywhere. I want to see Damien Echols exonerated and taken off of death row. And I want to make it less likely that this will happen to someone else." says Bob Cutler, one of the event’s organizers. "Topeka actually does have a decent live music scene and some great young bands and places for under-21, all-ages crowds to go see them. This is just one small way to elevate the visibility, not just in Topeka, but to the outside world".

“This and the other recent attention that Echols has received is not meant to draw from the fact that three children were murdered. That cannot be forgotten”, states Brian McGuire,another of the event's organizers, “but we owe it to those children and their families to see that their real murders are found and brought to justice. And that an innocent man does not pay with his life for an inept and prejudiced investigation”.

Topeka DIY has been involved in producing local area concerts, All-ages events and fund-raisers since 1983. Their goal in these events is to educate and raise awareness in Topeka of the case involving the West Memphis Three, to raise funds to aid in their defense and appeals and to show that local talent can make an impact beyond the boundaries of Topeka.

For More Information:
Brian McGuire

Topeka DIY
Brian McGuire
Bob Cutler