TAGreene Publishing Presents a World Where Sci-Fi Fantasy Meets the Strong Black Family

TAGreene Publishing House presents a debut novel by Tracie Angela Greene, "Enisi, The Bleu Realm," copyright 2021. It’s speculative, adult fiction that leans into the science fantasy and family saga genres. The story mostly takes place in the Georgia Piedmont and centers on generations of an African American family and their lives with a superior forest being.

Atlanta, GA, March 02, 2022 --(PR.com)-- TAGreene Publishing House presents a debut novel by Tracie Angela Greene, Enisi, The Bleu Realm, copyright 2021. It’s speculative, adult fiction that leans into the science fantasy and family saga genres. The story mostly takes place in the Georgia Piedmont and centers on generations of an African American family and their lives with a superior forest being.

About The Author
Greene grew up in a suburb southwest of Atlanta. Memories of exploring the temperate forest that is the backyard of her parents’ home fueled her imagination as she wrote Enisi, The Bleu Realm. Over the years, she also grew the courage to write her novel as she read books by science fiction author Octavia E. Butler.

About The Story
From the 1800s to the 1980s, the story follows the Bleu family’s existence with their highly intelligent family-tree, Enisi, who is much more than he appears to be. For one thing, he dabbles in the genetics of others. Over a century after Enisi sprouts, he’s most beloved by gen-Xer, Rhea Bleu. They share a powerful bond that stems from Rhea’s ancestor. Rhea has no problems with Enisi meddling in the genetics of others until… she learns “others” include humans.

Woven in science fantasy, Enisi, The Bleu Realm is a fascinating tapestry of earth creatures. Knotted in realism, it pays homage to Atlanta and nearby cities. Rooted in history, it nods to African and Cherokee heritage.

“Humans Are not the Most Superior Earthlings… and they aren’t the only earthlings with meddlesome ways.” -Tracie Angela Greene

Comparison Titles
Octavia E. Butler: Xenogenesis Series / Ta-Nehisi Coates: Water Dancer / Natalie Baszile: Queen Sugar

“It was a really good read as you venture into the Bleu family secrets, learning about green souls and, of course, the ever-present bantering between soulmates, family, and ancient horticultural beings. It was quite a journey as [the author] responded to human tragedy, the importance of family and soul sisters while nestled in the backdrop of the grand south where summers are hot, lemonade is refreshing, and cold watering holes are a blessing.” -J B Abner / Wix

“I was swept away, captivated. Great characters… This one stayed with me well beyond the last pages of the book. I highly recommend [it]!” -Edward / Amazon

“Once I started, I couldn’t put it down, the ultimate page-turner, and I never got bored. Some moments were intense and diabolical, with a hint of mysticism and a splash of science. Glad to finally read something that doesn’t dumb down everything. I enjoyed that the world was relatable. I felt like being uniquely me never mattered more until Rhea came along.” -Natalia / Amazon

Take Action
Go to www.TracieAngelaGreene.com for a full description of Enisi, The Bleu Realm and the author bio.

Buy Enisi, The Bleu Realm on Amazon: paperback ($21.99) and Kindle eBook ($9.99).

Follow the author on social media @TracieAngelaGreene

Contact Information
Tracie Greene
(470) 593 6849
TAGreene Publishing House
Tracie Greene